Day 3. Choose your goals

Day 3. Choose your goals

Day 3. Choose your goals


Today we will determine the goals. What is the goal? Why are you participating in the marathon? What do you want to get?
Create 2-3 or more important goals for yourself and follow the success of achieving them during the marathon.
The goals can be any. With your energy, you are able to achieve all your goals, or at least take significant steps towards them.
Try to describe the goals in sufficient detail.

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I'll start by describing my goals.

The first goal is financial.
To reach a stable monthly income level of at least 7,000 USD, preferably 25,000 USD.

The second goal is to strengthen and develop the physical body.
> The minimum level of well-developed muscles, make strong ligaments and flexible spine (completely bend and unbend).
> The desired level, everything is also + passing training on contactless combat.

The third goal is the expansion of mental abilities.
> Start hearing people's thoughts, minimally.
> It is desirable + to learn to influence a person's consciousness at a close distance, regardless of the situation. So that any ordinary opponent goes where it is necessary, does what is necessary, completely confident that he is acting on his own irresistible desire.

The fourth goal is to master the English language.
> At a minimum level sufficient to understand movies and books.
> Preferably at a conversational level for free communication by voice and in correspondence.

The fifth goal is the development of the voice.
> Learn to sing so that your voice is pleasant to listen to.
> It is desirable to learn to sing well in order to enjoy the power of the voice.

The sixth goal is nutrition.
> Minimally fix the power supply so that it is completely satisfied in all parameters.
> It is desirable to come to freedom from food, so that even a small amount is enough to fully satisfy all needs.

The seventh goal is a place to live.
> M: Fully equip the apartment space in accordance with your tastes.
> W: Quickly build and equip your own autonomous space at home.

As you can see, I have many goals, I have been going to most of them for many years. I tried a lot of things )) But, all this needed mainly their own energy. So now the question is actually solved, it remains to be seen how quickly my energy will return back from sleep.
The deadline for achieving all goals is 6-12 months, provided that you are 100% awake.
And what are your goals that have been waiting for implementation for a long time? Write in the comments what you have planned or want to plan for the next year.