Fan of worlds

Fan of worlds

Fan of worlds

Дмитрий Ардха



Each of our significant decisions, actions or actions in life has a certain number of options. 

We can go right, go left, go back, walk around or stand still and so on. 
Each of the options creates its own separate reality and a separate version on themselves in it. A kind of alternative world, woven into all the other worlds, the same parallel to himself.
The threads intertwining all parallel worlds and connecting them with each other come from ourselves. these are the threads of our consciousness manifested through choice.
A lot of realities appear before us as a fan of all possibilities, various scenarios for the development of our lives and the lives of other people in this universe.
Some scenarios are worse, some are better. We can say that some are written with taste, while others are completely incompetent, others are simply brilliant, and some are terrible. 
Thus, in parallel realities, we have many versions of ourselves and many versions of other people. Each parallel world contains, to a greater or lesser extent, a different version of ourselves. More precisely, a more or less developed version on themselves.
And, every version of ourselves would like to get into a better reality. But, what does the best reality mean?
And so the question arises which of the parallel realities is real? Which version of ourselves is the real one?
Maybe they're all real? But then what's the point of them? And if only one is real, then how to be in it?
The very desire of all our versions to get into a better reality already indicates that we are dealing with illusions. We can say that we see the ghosts of ourselves and find ourselves in many ghostly realities. Each of our ghosts wants to find their true self. In fact, this is our reflection, in which we strive to see ourselves.
Therefore, making a choice, we can easily move between different realities and come to our main goal, to be in the primary reality. This primary reality is characterized by the most powerful manifestation of ourselves. That is, in this reality we meet with our real selves.
When this happens, we stop looking at the reflections, and they all disappear, all parallel worlds cease to exist. Because the light, refracted on the surface, returns to the source, to our self-luminous consciousness. 
Of course, there are also many other living beings in parallel realities. How can they disappear just because we ourselves have disappeared into them?
But when we reach our goal in primary reality, everyone else does it there too. Maybe this is a process that takes time, and there is no instant disappearance, but somehow it ends with this result.
In the primary reality, everyone eventually finds themselves, eliminating themselves from all illusory worlds.
You can imagine us looking into hundreds of mirrors. Each mirror distorts us to a different degree. Some mirrors are very blurry, some curves are faded or excessively contrasting, while others are more close to ourselves, who actually stand in front of mirrors. And considering different versions of ourselves, we finally understand what we really are and begin to see ourselves without the help of various mirrors. And when we stop looking into the very last very similar mirror, the last parallel reality disappears.
In the outside world, this process can be called the collapse of the universe, and the process preceding this expansion, when a lot of parallel actions are created. In the process of folding, illusory worlds disappear as we realize who we really are. 
What does it mean here and now? In every situation we have some choice, just one real choice that connects us with the primary reality. This way we can move to it. That is, when we are faced with such a choice, we can ask ourselves a question, just one very simple question. What would I really like to do? Regardless of everything? From all factors, causes, consequences and circumstances? After all, everything that prevents us from doing exactly that in our reality is a lot of crooked mirrors, into which the luminosity of our consciousness once got.
This means that there is no difference what difficulties or circumstances prevent us from making the only right choice, that is, the choice that we would really like to make. Because we always have the opportunity to agree with such a choice and accept it within ourselves. Having done this here and now, each time we take a step towards the destruction of the illusion, pulling our attention out of the parallel world and returning to the primary reality.
Every time we say to ourselves - I know what I really want, and I will do everything possible now and always to make it happen - we are on a firm path leading us to reality.
We are really capable of traveling in parallel worlds. After all, in fact, we are constantly doing this, even without the slightest awareness of the process. When we see a person in front of us who has changed a lot over a certain period of time and wonder how different he is, we are just witnessing him or our movement in parallel worlds. Yes, there are definitely moments when, even without any understanding, we are able to feel the process much more strongly. And the described situation is one of the examples.
When we feel deja vu, as if everything had already happened, when we see some visions of the future, or remember that we saw them, when the future comes with us and when we find differences more or less significant from what we saw or felt in our reality, it means that we meet with our counterparts and we get fragments of their perception at the intersections of parallel realities. 
Let's just say that we have no way to get into some realities, because at the moment there is no intersection with them. But, with others, things are different and we have a lot of entrances and exits to move back and forth every day. 
The Stargate, which makes it possible to travel through the Milky Way galaxy and even between the nearest galaxies, and in some cases in time or between parallel realities, is one of the material illustrations of such a spiritual experience.
And just as energy is needed for the operation of the Stargate, each of our choices also requires the energy of our consciousness. And the more serious the choice we want to make, the more potential we need to have. 
That's why it's so important to have the energy to manage your life. That is, having energy, we are actually able to control our movement through parallel realities, since we can realize and make more correct choices. However, the possession of energy in itself cannot be considered a guarantee of the right choice, because it is just a technical opportunity to make it. The only guarantee is always that every time we ask ourselves the question - what do we really want, regardless of everything else - and having answered it, then we make every reasonable effort to implement it.
