Main disease

Main disease

Main disease

Дмитрий Ардха


What is the main mental illness of any person? How its harmful symptoms destroy his life and deprive him of his strength. Why do people, staring at this disease, refuse to see it and recognize it in themselves? What is the antidote and what to do with all this?


Self-criticism is a favorite pastime of most people. The second favorite activity they engage in is cannibalism. So, self-criticism and cannibalism are what people do almost their entire lives.

They constantly look for problems in themselves, doubt and condemn themselves. And they exactly transfer this approach to self-perception to those close to them. Self-criticism and cannibalism are two mental illnesses that can be strengthened by all sorts of trainings, self-development systems, psychoanalysis and other areas that seem to have the opposite effect.

It turns out that whether people go about their lives or leave everything as it is, the only difference is that in one case they simply gnaw the bones as best they can, and in the other case I use more powerful tools.

As a result of life, a person inevitably comes to the complete and unshakable confidence that he is a nonentity, and his loved ones are even worse. And even if, in some cases, the disease cannot be so clearly diagnosed, because it hides under the masks of imaginary self-respect, decency and courtesy, its destructive influence remains the same.

Surprisingly, all people do is delve into their problems, be they internal difficulties or external ones. It is very difficult to communicate with a person who is sick with this disease; he completely believes that all the problems in his life are only because of himself and his loved ones.

Yes, sometimes people indulge themselves with the illusion of condemning certain people. political or financial mechanisms of society and their representatives. However, these are simply projections of their flawed self-worth. In reality, they only hide their dissatisfaction with themselves behind the mask of condemnation of puppet governments, employers and other people who are distant and very distant from them.

A person lives with a constant feeling of his own insignificance, I am poor, stupid, poorly realized because that it's all about me. This creates the illusion of better and worse people. Supposedly, there are talented people, and there are mediocre ones, there are gifted people, and there are stupid ones. As if it’s all about people and they themselves are to blame for their fate.

Insignificance in a sense of self-worth leads to insurmountable fears, reaching the point of furious denial and hatred when it comes to an external force that, contrary to all data, brings down the life of every person, bringing him to the very bottom. It’s hard to believe, but as soon as you utter the word “external force”, a person’s inner insignificance will become enraged and will defend his miserable position with all his might.

In one film it was said - “if you try destroy him to save people, people will destroy you to save him.”

It's quite simple. Self-worth is the only real power we always have.

What is healthy self-worth? This is a feeling of your real power, as a natural and constant perception of yourself and your environment.

The feeling of your own power is the only support and antidote against all diseases and distorted images instilled in the external and internal world.

Power is the only force that guarantees victory over any opponent.

Therefore, developing a healthy self-worth is the first thing we do during the first year of education. Through various tools for controlling reality, the student begins to understand that he is truly capable of influencing fate, changing the course of time and playing out any battle in his favor.

Of course, one year is a drop in comparison with the sea of fixed images and state of grafted nonentity. But this drop, like an antidote, gradually disinfects all water, making it suitable for drinking.

And you can drink this water and become free. Free to live according to your dreams.

This is the main treasure and jewel that is worth the effort.