This is yoga the grown-up way, baby!

This is yoga the grown-up way, baby!

This is yoga the grown-up way, baby!

Дмитрий Ардха


Fairy-tale world, amazing world! Only like this in a fairy tale, only different in reality!

• How, and most importantly, why do “mushroom” people and “top” people fly away into meaningless dreams about life?
• Why do “adult” yoga kids confuse the purpose and order of the spells and what does this lead to?
• Why, in general, do we need sexual energy?
• And is it possible to steal it? for “spiritual matters”?

In general, I have long wanted to talk about yoga teachers who created entire directions and have many followers, whose personalities I managed to get to know. And everything, as always, without personalities.

I will talk about patterned behavior that is typical for many creative and spiritual people. Moreover, I will charge it with healthy, well-ordered sexual energy.

Feel what we are talking about.


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