Loyalty and jealousy

Loyalty and jealousy

Loyalty and jealousy


What is the difference between loyalty and jealousy? Very often people confuse these two phenomena, considering one another.

Simply put, jealousy is based on the desire to possess, while loyalty is based on the desire to follow. With the example of Ravana, we can see how loyalty turns into jealousy. Is it so easy to see these phenomena in life? Not at all.

Testing his loyalty, Ravana sought to follow Mahadev and became the most powerful in the world.

But, then, feeling jealous, he wanted to take him to Lanka.

In this episode, we see how Ravana carries the Shivalingam (the rod immersed in the womb) to Lanka, however , due to the need to relieve himself due to sexual excesses, loses it.

Behind jealousy is also always a lack of faith. What is faith? It is having something without holding on to it. In other words, faith is a feeling of true connection with the phenomenon without appropriating it.

Thus, loyalty is always based on faith, and jealousy on fear. What is fear? This is the lack of knowledge of phenomena in their original form.

It is fear that causes doubts and then fears. So, because of fears, a person has a need to protect the rights to what he likes and he takes it to Lanka.


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