Methods of living anger

Methods of living anger

Methods of living anger

Дмитрий Ардха


Often we suppress aggression, Strive to get rid of it, hide it, or convince ourselves that there is nothing like this with us. In fact, aggression is a huge resource that is given for a specific task. Using our aggression, we can significantly succeed in life, improve the situation of all our affairs, solve intractable issues, and achieve our goals.

The only secret is to learn how to use your aggression correctly.

Теги: #


Question: Who can, tell me how exactly it is worth removing aggression? Often such a state that you want to destroy something..

Answer: there are different ways, depending on the level of skills.

1. to begin with, it's good to accept the fact of its existence and allow yourself to feel aggression - stop blaming yourself for it. 

2. to disidentify with the objects causing aggression, that is, the second step is to realize that aggression is just a certain configuration of energy, and people or events do not have a decisive role in its appearance. the reason for the feeling of aggression is myself. this means that people or events cease to control my condition.

3. practice the expression of aggression through, the simplest active movement, working with the body, living aggression through physical exercises, swimming, running on the track.

that's enough to start with

Question: And if somewhere in the middle, then what practices would you recommend)

Answer: well, it's pretty easy then. then just use aggression as fuel for movement and solving applied problems

for example, aggression in a relationship with a loved one -

1. I openly tell him (having previously warned him that we will work), now you cause such and such feelings in me, I want to hit you, shake you, crush you, hurt you, etc., depending on the sensations.

2. then investigate what such a reaction appeared to and again pronounce directly with all emotions and charge - my aggression towards you is connected with such actions / inactions / my expectations, etc. th

task is to bring the energy of aggression from the unconscious into awareness so that you can contro

it yes, and.. if a loved one's picture of the world is blown away by such sudden revelations, or he will be added by these powerful energies, or he will go to the defense because of the relevance of his psychological traumas, then all this needs to be said out loud simply by introducing a person, without direct contact with him

3. and the most delicious thing, aggression is a powerful energy that appears for a specific task, a clot of power that would break through some kind of barrier. after the transfer of aggression from the unconscious to awareness, this clot can be used for its intended purpose. that is, for certain actions / decisions / realizations / changes in attitude or perception. it all depends on the context. The exact answer to the question why I need this aggression and doing it will bring 100% satisfactio

this is the average level. the middle of the skilln..le  .












