Winter workshop Self-worth

Winter workshop Self-worth

Winter workshop Self-worth

Дмитрий Ардха


The feeling of self-worth is the basis on which all our relationships with the surrounding world (people) and money are built. This is fundamentally the measure that filters all our efforts in order to multiply them or, conversely, divide them by a certain number of times. Only great luck allows a person to get rid of the disease of devaluing himself and his life. But to experience such luck is a chance that there is no point in waiting for, because you need to become your own luck and act. Namely, to understand:
- how a false sense of one’s worth was formed;
- how to return it to normal;
- and most importantly, with the help of what tools it becomes possible to maintain healthy self-worth.

It is low self-esteem that cannot be corrected simply by wanting to, just as it cannot be corrected by suggestion and attempts to achieve something, to get something. Self-worth is a deep state of perception, to change which we need, in addition to knowledge, practice, accuracy and an ardent desire to give ourselves and others a different quality of life - mental strength.

Therefore, it is in winter, at the peak of mental strength, that we begin data workshop on restoring “Self-Value”. In order to find out the cost of participation, write a personal message to Dmitry’s contact, which will be in the comments “I want to attend the workshop.”


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