This world is a fake

This world is a fake

This world is a fake

Дмитрий Ардха


What does it mean to truly live? Perception creates the illusion of reality. A strung-up cardboard decoration designed to instill in each inhabitant the role of a background character, powerless and limited by the conditions given to him. But the real world is different, it exists by different rules and changes for different reasons. So, in order to go beyond the conditioned fate and the stupid rules created by background characters for background characters, you need to gain access to reality. Live in reality, influence reality, study reality.

Which is what we do. Yes, it takes effort, but it is the only thing worth the effort.

Remember about reality. Keep the real world in your field of perception. It doesn’t matter what illusions of powerlessness and defeat are instilled in you by cardboard tigers, staggering from every breath of the real world.


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