What types of mineral salt are there?

What types of mineral salt are there?

What types of mineral salt are there?

Дмитрий Ардха


Did you know that there are two types of salt? One is mineral and the other is organic. In this article I will talk about the types of mineral salt, its chemical effect on the body and will focus on each of them in more detail.

So, it's worth starting with the fact that mineral salt has no nutritional value,. oh yes!
At the same time, organic salt has it. That's how!

And to us, as biological beings standing above the vegetable kingdom, this difference should be as obvious as a clear day!

However.. the weather has deteriorated.

- In general, what is a mineral? Have you ever wondered?
- What does it relate to, edible or not?
- Is it possible to take it in your mouth and in general, have you noticed that you are eating iron powder? Or, aluminum? Or maybe copper?
- I think not. However... maybe in the form of vitamins?

What is a mineral? Do you want to get an answer to this question? Then let's continue in description.

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So what is a mineral?

It is a compound of metal with gas. In this case, the metal is sodium, and the gas is chlorine. Sodium is an alkaline base, and chlorine is an acid base. The neutralization reaction, with a shift towards chlorine, is the so-called mineral salt known to us.

Although why is it food grade? Apparently, just because people decided to eat this particular sodium salt, and there are no other salts. And to calm themselves down, they decided to call it food, but all the rest, cosmetic or just chemical compounds.

- For example, did you eat epsom salt?
- I'm not. And could..) Although it can also be found in mineral natural springs. And, if you drank mineral water, then most likely, there was also this magnesium salt.

And so, what types of food salt do we know?

1. Stone white salt.
2. Table salt.
3. Thursday's black salt.
4. Sea salt.5. Himalayan pink rock salt.
a. Industrial production.
b. Manual extraction.6. Himalayan black salt.

You will learn more about each type of salt and their chemical action in my podcast. Listen carefully, because this is very important! And, in addition, share this podcast or this material with friends, because they also need to know which salt is best used, what are their differences and how one or the other another mineral acts on my, your, his body.

In the meantime, tell me:
- Have you ever thought about what kind of salt there is?
- And if you thought about it, what conclusions did you come to?
- Why did you come and what did you choose? 
- Or maybe they stopped eating salt altogether, like me?
- And maybe you are afraid that the food will lose its taste?
- Well, it depends on what kind of food ...

Oh, wait, this is a matter of separate consideration! So just tell us about your experience in the comments and we will continue the discussion.