Day 8. Release from expectations.

Day 8. Release from expectations.

Day 8. Release from expectations.

Дмитрий Ардха


Waiting is the biggest cause of all disappointments, or rather, even waiting is a disappointment in itself, because it confirms the lack of satisfaction in its reality.

The stronger the expectation, the higher the disappointment behind it turns out to be. Waiting is an addiction. We can experience a very strong dependence on our expectations. There is a lot of experience in this regard. It will work out or not, it will succeed or not, but any of our desires in itself by the fact of its existence already confirms its reality and carries enough strength for its fulfillment. Automatically, without our efforts, we simply allow this to manifest itself as a ready-made, already realized in us.

Every time we give up waiting, then we return to our reality. We can also continue doing something to fulfill our desires ,but we stop waiting for it to happen, knowing that it has already happened, and we just manifest what happened in the outside world. So we clear the way, let everything happen naturally, without resistance? including from our side. Therefore, they say that when a person wants something very much, it is proportionally difficult for him to get it. But as soon as he stops wanting and loses interest, the desired thing comes to him by itself.

And then we will talk about the intention. It is like a bowstring that needs to be pulled with moderate force, if you do it too weakly, then the arrow will land before its target. If you pull too hard, the bowstring will break and the arrow will remain in place

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Task 1: to trace the disappointing reality behind the expectations present in us.

Task 2: remove expectations by accepting and improving the existing reality so that the need for waiting for something disappears.

For example, we expect that our income will be 10,000 USD per month. But, on average, we get only about 1,000 USD. To do this, we will determine the difference, in the example it is 10 times. In your case, it may be different, it is important to use exactly the difference that stands between your expectations and your reality.

To remove expectations in this regard, we need to start treating the money we have as expected. This means that we will experience the same joy and satisfaction from 1,000 USD as we would experience from 10,000 USD.

In real life, this means that when we receive 100 USD of income, they should become 1,000 USD for us. And when we spend 100 USD, we should treat it as a waste of 10 USD.

In other words, we increase the joy of all our income by 10 times and reduce the regret of all our expenses by 10 times.

This is how we allow our desire, which has already been realized in us, to manifest itself in our life. Because the first place where it appears is our sensation and perception. And if we block it in our sensation and perception, we ourselves stop further incarnation.