Day 9. Self-image.

Day 9. Self-image.

Day 9. Self-image.



- What are we doing now?
- What we always do, consciously or unconsciously, we are engaged in creating our own image. The main creation of our entire life and the result of every moment of this life is the image of ourselves.

- What is it?
- This is what we create. It permeates everything, always and everywhere. To some extent, we are the image of ourselves, because if the image is made up correctly, if it takes into account all the important aspects of the personality, then it allows us to express ourselves to the fullest. And it is from this that we get joy, delight and satisfaction.

An image is like a language that tells about ourselves. The image is like a tool with which we act. In addition, the image is like a ship in which we sail through reality.

So an image is a way of communicating with oneself and with the world outside, also an image is a means to achieve goals, and at the same time an image is an ordered space in which we travel and from which we perceive.

- What is the image wagging at?
- Everything else depends on him. One change of this changes all the coordinates of the path. This is the point of the report.

- How do we do this?
Their actions, intentions, stable thoughts, and especially well-known states. Identifying with a certain reality, in which there is a new description of ourselves and the environment, we form an image of ourselves that is different from the existing one. These realities can create religious doctrines, beliefs, or anything that enters a person's horizon. Also, reality is created by people whom we look at, hear, perceive, and absorb their states. Islands appear in the field of our perception, we know how to get to this or that island, we have its coordinates, and we can travel there. As we study the outside world, there are more of them, some of them create a group located close to each other, and based on the available coordinates, somewhere among these islands we can create our own island, which is characterized by the same climatic conditions, the time of sunrise and sunset, and some other common features. Sometimes neighboring islands may be at enmity with each other or question the right to the existence of other islands or separate territories. But, even regardless of this, we can visit each of the islands of this group and find something close to us there.

This is how we create an independent image of ourselves, and this is very important, because it allows us to manifest ourselves in reality. At the same time, we find fragments of alien, hostile and limiting images in ourselves, which contain various compulsions.

Initially, we get the first image of ourselves from our parents, but often it is a borrowed social image. It can be called the image of an intelligent monkey, mixed with the religious connotation of a servant of God and a social slave, working for survival and some better conditions for life. In this image, compulsion is the main motive of all existence. This image very accurately forms and supports a certain reality. The image is primary, guided by it, people obediently create new and new spaces, cities expand, technologists open up other opportunities. What is important to us here is that the model of compulsion to do something contrary to one's desires and one's nature is the main form of slavery. Initially, there is a set of beliefs that a person is even forbidden to doubt. The child is forced to sleep, eat, think without stopping and in a certain way, study in schools for intelligent monkeys, etc., there are many prohibitions on other versions of reality everywhere. And a person becomes confident that the world is arranged exactly like this.

Prohibitions are the cement that reliably imprints the image of an intelligent monkey into a person's consciousness. Any ban is a manipulation of consciousness and a way to cut off from holistic knowledge about reality. Instead of studying the phenomenon, its properties and features, the represented value or danger, the phenomenon is simply prohibited. You can't look here, it can't be considered possible, it can't be done, you can't think about it.

When I imagined how I would arrange water supply in different rooms, I had an idea, and to implement it, I came to a plumbing store. I had to explain for a long time what I needed, because the parts I was looking for were used for other purposes and I did not have their technical name. As a result, the seller said that he has these details, but they can not be used like this. I asked why. And this question was forbidden in its reality. It is simply forbidden. He kept saying that you can't do that. Apparently, assuming that everyone does everything differently, and in this regard, it is necessary to do it differently.

In this example, we see how many prohibitions in the image that was transmitted to us, prohibitions even on the question itself, why is it impossible? But often, this is not possible because only in a certain case this is a bad solution, in one of the many, and in some others it can be successfully used. So any ban is manipulation.

There are many prohibitions in our speech. We ourselves are used to using these manipulations very often. The particle not, which is added to many negative sentences, prohibits getting an answer to a question. For example, let's try to answer the question:
- where are you?
- I'm not at home.
What can be understood from this answer? The answer is very vague, I can be anywhere else except at home. An answer using a particle does not essentially prohibit the question. I have no desire to give an answer to your question, and also do not have the courage to admit it, so I limit myself to a vague statement in the style of, I am not where I am not, and I am where I am.
- We won't do it.
That is, we intend to do something else, but instead of saying this, we say not. No, this is an abbreviation of the word no, and if you decipher such a construction of speech, it will turn out.
- we will not do this.
- I'm not at home.
Or the most common example:
- how do I get to the cinema?
- I don't know
- I don't know.
Therefore, when our consciousness reads such answers, it becomes confused. Can say,
- we have no desire to do this.
- I'm at the train station, I'm on a walk, I'm at work, etc.
- I don't have an answer., or - ask that person here.

Any answer is a statement. When there is no statement in the words, it is an attempt to evade the answer.

Behind these daily figures of speech, it is clear how often we hide ourselves and our desires, because the image of an intelligent monkey is built around a duty, behind which lies the denial of ourselves. I have no desire, but I have to do it.

- What influences the power of image penetration?
- The image of a Soviet person applicable to our time can be called outdated, because there is no environment that supports it. Without a suitable environment, the image weakens. This is the first one.
The second is the intensity of the application of the image in everyday life. Then its practical value at the moment. Rarely used, barely touched by attention or useless as flippers dressed in the middle of the field, the image will be almost transparent, barely noticeable.
And the third is the correspondence of the image being tried on to a person. When choosing clothes, everyone tries to get into their own size, otherwise the clothes can not be put on because of the tightness or they will fall off due to exceeding the size.

So someone else's image without support is just an illusion. But, receiving power, he, on the contrary, becomes active.

I have been considering the public image for so long because it is fixed very firmly, and in order to make room for my own image, it needs to be seen and dismantled.

The last task of the marathon:
1. Observe what I do from the position I must, without my desire.
2. To identify the relationship of such actions with the image of oneself and the surrounding world. I do this because I imagine something..
3. To put my desire as the basis for all such actions, and / or change them so that there would be my desire, or abandon them.
4. Engage in the formation of an image of yourself in the area of the most inspiring islands.
5. To strengthen the penetration of the most inspiring self-image into its reality, through its actions, its environment and its more thorough fitting.