Day two (the method of wakefulness).

Day two (the method of wakefulness).

Day two (the method of wakefulness).


The rules that will be described here are my research conducted in the past months and some in the past years of my life, and there are also the achievements of four other people who have been practicing life without sleep for a longer time (someone has been more than a year).

So I am glad to present to the light an excerpt of all these studies in the form of a series of rules that will help us go from sleeping to seeing and being aware of life.

Already on the second or third day, you will feel how you begin to wake up in your life from a deep and prolonged sleep. This feeling of freshness, joy and flight is difficult to compare with anything. The only thing that comes to me is the experience of the first lucid dreams, when Navya's body begins to wake up in a dream. Something similar is happening here, only on a different scale.

The task of today will be to delve into the essence of the main practice of the marathon.

At the beginning, I will give an explanation of the concepts used.

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Sleep is a set of different processes that occur with a person's consciousness. Lucid sleep is the misery of consciousness in other realities, in which a person directly affects what is happening to him and remembers all the events of the dream.

Unconscious sleep is something that usually happens at night. It has 3 levels. The first level is a complete failure of consciousness, when at best there are only sensations about what is happening, the memory is completely erased, or rather access to memories is blocked. The second level is the film imaginative visions, in which a person finds himself in the role of an observer, he can remember something, but most often only what is shown to him. And the third level is the character of the events taking place within a given plot. He has the ability to influence certain fragments of the dream, but he still identifies himself with the role given to him. In this type of unconscious sleep, memory is least blocked, so it is possible to recall fragments of events after waking up.

Wakefulness is a phenomenon also known as sleep deprivation, it can be both a temporary practice and a way of life in which a person remains fully conscious for 80-100% of the entire time of his life. Sleep can be from 0 to 30-60 minutes a day or every other day, and at any other interval. But even if you sleep 3, maximum 4 hours a day, this also gives noticeable results.

The bed is the Bermuda triangle in your apartment. Whenever you find yourself there, especially at certain times of the day, there is a high risk of going missing, completely suddenly for yourself. Especially before the development of sleepy immunity.

Sleep immunity is the ability of the body and consciousness to resist the soporific effect. Sleepy immunity is developed on average for 9-14 days to achieve continuous wakefulness. After its formation, you stop making any effort at all to stay awake, it becomes a natural state. That is, if the line, after passing which you have achieved the main goal of the marathon, then create your life as you want right now.

Implementations are settings of the "control system" that are embedded in the human body and consciousness at different levels of sleep. When we are awake, we see them unfold in the form of clamps, destructive thoughts, limiting beliefs, fears, drives, fears, and other things. Implementations can be very different, for example, if you want to change your diet to a healthier one, then there is a chance that in a dream you will be forced to eat something that destroys you. If you are lucky, you will see for yourself how brazenly and rudely some implementations occur. Basically, they try to do everything as secretly as possible, this is the most professional work, because it is much more difficult to neutralize the implementation this way. In this case, your consciousness perceives it as a part of itself, so the defense mechanisms are inactive. In addition to the official control system, other forces can act on us during sleep, which also want to get their own, so some implementations are very primitive and are deployed by low-ranking creatures, for example, alcohol addiction, phobias, panic attacks, etc.. Their peculiarity is that they hold on only due to the fact that a person accepts an "official control system", which only creates a predisposition to smaller manipulations with consciousness, but it has no purpose to protect or implement them. If you find some kind of rough introduction from fragments of a dream, then be sure that you have met with some "pirate" creature, which for one reason or another was given access to your consciousness.

During the practice of wakefulness ,the "official control system" will be weakened, so you will notice without any additional effort those who have access to your consciousness, who have duplicate keys to different rooms. The body and consciousness naturally begin to relax and such contacts come to the surface.

The official control system – I don't have a more precise definition for this phenomenon. And let it sound rude, but this is how I can best describe everything that is included in this phenomenon at this moment. To call it simply spirits of darkness, or some predatory creatures that have been hunting for people's consciousness since ancient times is too one-sided, because it is like a matrix with a whole set of social, behavioral, emotional and other patterns of perception of reality, with many servants, often unconsciously doing all the work and a structure outlined at different levels. It has a very ancient history, rooted in such secret existences, about which it is even difficult for me to say anything yet. Apparently, this control system goes beyond the limits of the human species, capturing other forms of life and other civilizations in the universe. In addition, understanding how the key links are arranged, we see a lot of its archetypes in the external world, so it can be difficult to understand what is a projection, that is, the shadow cast by the tree, and what is the tree of the system itself. But, we can say with confidence that the voice that we hear "in the head", the withdrawal of energy that occurs in a dream, and some forms of life present in our body are its branches.

A warning.

For an unprepared person, all this will sound like exceptional fiction, this is one of the implementations, to make us perceive everything different from what is permissible as an illusion, which does not exist in principle, even if its existence is confirmed by a person many times throughout life. We see the archetype of this introduction in the plots of Hollywood films, they tell about many things that really exist, only in a distorted, often inverted form. This is a kind of vaccination against the truth. The technology of the special services is as follows - we told you in advance what is a lie and fiction, so if you accidentally meet with traces of the truth in your life, then you will immediately have a ready-made explanation in your mind - I saw everything in the movies, which means this is not really there ))

 In addition, relatively speaking, there are two types of people, in modern language it is convenient to call them users and programmers. Moreover, in different spheres of life, the roles of the same person could be different. So there is a certain circle of people whose purpose is to interact with such phenomena. So, what I have described will be familiar to them, regardless of the available knowledge in this life, because the experience of the Soul says about the same thing.

 Now, after describing the basic terminology, I turn to the rules that will help you stay in full consciousness and the best possible state at the moment. At some time you will face drowsiness, but know that if you are carried away to sleep so that you are ready to fall on the move, it means that you have overdone it somewhere, so it is important to take a step back. Immunity to sleep is developed only gradually. A person needs to adapt, as with poison, if you take a large portion, you can get poisoned, and if you stretch it into small portions, then gradually increasing them will develop 100% invulnerability. Therefore, the task of the marathon is to train the body and consciousness in the most careful mode. See for yourself where you can go forward, and where you need to take a small step back in a timely manner. Therefore, we will periodically arrange permission days, in which the task will be to find places where you have gone too far, because of which you can break from the level you have reached, so retreat in a timely manner, then continue moving forward.

Rules of wakefulness.

1. Preparation for the night.
You need to prepare for every night. And start training from 16-20 hours, depending on the time available to you. The preparation consists in the fact that you go to bed and spend 2-4 hours there. Occupy yourself with something, anything. The purpose of training is to give your muscles the opportunity to relax, because they are used to being in this state at night. The fact is that most likely your body does not have enough endurance to keep itself in an upright position for 24 hours a day. Ignoring this rule, your body will simply put you to bed, and only because the muscles need rest. And this is most likely to happen at night, when the concentration of the sleeping substance is the highest. So, sleep is guaranteed.

 2. The bed is closed at night.
The highest concentration of sleeping pills is in the interval between 23: 00 and 04: 00. Moreover, the peak falls somewhere at 1-2 o'clock in the morning. I admit that the intervals may shift at different times of the year. Therefore, if you want to stay awake, then you need to stay away from bed at night. You can easily lie down during the day, and soon I will tell you how to do it. But at night it is almost always useless. And here the real magic is already happening, many times being in an absolutely cheerful and fresh state, I went to bed at night for a couple of minutes and found myself waking up in the morning or in the afternoon. How this happens, I don't have an answer... The bed at night turns into a real Bermuda triangle..)) You can lose yourself in it even with a well-functioning navigation. You know how, like you're sitting or lying down, you understand everything, and suddenly you're not there.. out of the blue, and then you.. what happened? Where am I? What, it's already been 4 hours?! Has it been 8 hours already?!! It's been 11 hours?!!! Yes, it happens in different ways.

 3. 5-minute intervals.

I use five-minute intervals of daytime rest when I want to regain strength and feel that I can fall asleep (even the slightest signs of this). I need a phone and a "rattle alarm clock"melody. Download on the Internet on request "mechanical alarm clock". If it works out, I will attach the call options to the recording. You can choose an alarm clock of some other key. Of all the options I tried, it was the ringing of a mechanical alarm clock that turned out to be the most sobering sound.

Next, I recommend the "Turbo Alarm" program on Google Play. It is in it that it is possible to make 5-minute delay intervals (see settings) delay – a small button, disable-volume buttons. That is, I'm going to rest, I look at the clock, 15: 20, I set the alarm for 15: 25. After 5 minutes it goes off, I press the delay button, and it goes off after another 5 minutes and so maximum 3 intervals in the lying position, and up to 5 intervals in the sitting position, this is when I'm very sleepy. If I am in a normal state, I can spend an hour or two with these intervals. They are for very important insurance. Still, even in the daytime, the bed has some properties of the Bermuda triangle.

 4. If I really want to sleep already, then an alarm clock with intervals is useless. It is useless even to have three alarm clocks under your ear, in general.. even if they will work for hours without stopping. This is verified. The only thing that can be a good solution in this case is sleeping sitting down. I sit down at a chair, pull it up to the table, put two or three pillows on the surface and lean on them. Very convenient. It is much easier to maintain consciousness in an upright position. Why is that? I don't have an exact answer. But, here I can be sure that without any alarm clock I will wake up in 1-2 hours completely rested. Just be careful, take the most comfortable position so that the bend of the knees is at a distance from the edge of the chair, because the legs can become numb if the vessels are squeezed in an uncomfortable position.

 5. Dietary supplements that promote wakefulness.

Many people scold coffee as a drink that has a bad effect on sleep. Stimulating and exhausting the nervous system. I used to think so too. Coffee? Do you think that this is the fate of those who think very little about their nutrition. In addition, ground coffee, after many years of a healthier diet, gave me a very bad headache when I tried a couple of cups for several days. I recommend freeze-dried coffee, as it is more purified from carcinogens that appear during the roasting of the beans. Sublimation occurs by distillation of ground coffee liquid with subsequent vacuum drying (I may be wrong, correct then). Probably, green coffee (without roasting) will be the best tonic for brain activity, but, for now, a good freeze-dried version is enough for me. Why did I start using it at all? At some point, I realized that I needed to help the body and began to look for a way. I was looking for substances that improve the clarity of creation, and therefore somehow neutralize the hypnotic effect. It is especially noticeable when you physically feel great, but from somewhere a pain rolls in your eyes and the picture begins to float. In such coins, I asked a question? What's the matter, I'll have a great rest both physically and mentally, I've been in a meditative state all day, what is it? These questions helped me to see that sleep attacks are an extraneous phenomenon that is at odds with my physiological and mental needs. Observe this. You need to make sure of everything yourself.

So what about the coffee? I need 1 teaspoon without a slide for 500 ml of warm water (this is four times less than usual. I also add powdered milk and stevioside (stevia extract instead of sugar). I recommend avoiding strong coffee, there is no point in this, the task is to promote clarity of consciousness, instead of shaking it from side to side and hitting it on the cheeks )) In addition, coffee puts you to sleep if the body has too much of it. I drink coffee in the evening, and sometimes at night, at maximum intervals. Moreover, if you choose the right interval, it helps a lot to achieve an unusually high clarity of consciousness. So treat and use it exactly as a medicine, instead of just some kind of drink for taste.

In the daytime, as well as at intervals in the evening and at night, I drink ivan tea, with stevioside, sometimes with milk and other herbs.  My need for food has greatly decreased, and at the same time, the feeling of satiety is the greatest for all the time that I have tried different food systems.

Another remedy that may affect sleep is coconut oil. Whether this is true or not, I find it difficult to say. In addition, it is precisely as butter that it is difficult for me to eat it. It's still in the refrigerator. Even to swallow a spoon is flour. But coconut is easy to bake. Something was found there in the coconut that contributes to insomnia. Maybe this is a misconception, but I use it as an additional tool.

The main thing that helped me to move forward significantly was coffee. When used correctly in the first stages, it contributes very well to maintaining a state of clarity, freshness and vivacity. We'll see what happens next.

6. Switching attention.
When I start to feel sleepy, the effect of dips appears, I found that this often happens during some monotonous activity. Therefore, at such moments, I began to switch to something interesting, reducing the vulnerability of consciousness. For example, from time to time I go out for a walk, somewhere at 3, 4, 5 o'clock in the morning. I watch movies, if there is something neutral, without loading my consciousness with negativity. Some adventure films are best suited, where emotional assessments, semantic loads and other extraneous implementations are minimized. From ordinary films, I am very much knocked out of my normal state, or I have to watch constantly, filtering what is happening, or then remove impurities from my consciousness. So be careful when you choose what to switch your attention to, as your perception clears, you will begin to notice more and more what you used to calmly let inside.

7. If there is a living person nearby with whom you can communicate at night, this will be a huge plus!

8. How to spend time.
The day is suitable for interacting with the outside world, the night is suitable for communicating with oneself. If you try to work 24 hours a day, then your attention will quickly get tired of it, and it will begin to get tired. Therefore, try, among other things, to look for what you are interested in. This is the best thing that leads you to a state of wakefulness. When you have an interest, time passes very quickly and pleasantly. But when there is no interest, or you force yourself to do something, it becomes very boring and difficult, especially at night. You need to understand that at night you are left alone with yourself. And if you are used to running away from yourself to sleep, food and something else, then this practice will show you the reasons why you do this. And of course, we will have to deal with them to move forward. This is what I like, in order to stay awake, I have to relax and correct the gaps in the expression of myself. Otherwise, at night, a ferocious boredom attacks, which is very difficult to fight off.

9. Working with the body.
Warm baths and physical activity will definitely help. Walking or training. The main thing is to prepare for the night in time to be in good physical condition, otherwise, instead of sleeping, you will mainly struggle with your body, which is just tired of walking, standing or sitting by night.

These are all the basic rules. Over time, I may add something else. Write in the comments to the record your impressions, realizations and photos after the last night.