Causes of sleep. Why does a person fall asleep?

Causes of sleep. Why does a person fall asleep?

Causes of sleep. Why does a person fall asleep?

Why do people sleep? Many people are accustomed to perceive sleep as a consequence of fatigue and a welcome rest after a busy day. But, having delved into this topic, I have identified a number of strange facts that contradict this judgment. Why do we experience muscle pain along with what we call fatigue? Why do we lose interest in doing anything before going to bed? Where do our powers go every night? There are cases when we are full of energy before a certain hour, and after that we are suddenly de-energized. That is, where do all our forces suddenly flow away and where do they suddenly appear in the morning? You will find answers to these and other important questions related to the causes of sleep in my research, which I suggest you read here.

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It is generally believed that the main cause of sleep is fatigue, which is followed by the need for constant rest. Fatigue is a condition when a person has run out of strength to do something.

Is this really the case?

In fact, what people consider fatigue is a muscle spasm, expressing the tension accumulated by the body over the past day + the past years of life. Think about it!

When you go somewhere for a long time and feel increasing fatigue in your back, pay attention to this feeling. Does it hurt you when you run out of strength? After all, it is pain and extreme stiffness that will be felt in the back. You can bend over and discover how the back muscles are clamped in the area where the muscle block is strongest.

This happens because muscle blocks cause a kind of numbness of the body. We stop feeling them, but when we start moving, gradually the sensitivity returns and we find one or another bodily spasm where there used to be an empty space of the lower back or lower leg.

It turns out that we begin to feel muscle blocks after intense movement or exertion, as well as about 15 hours after sleep.

If you try to stay awake, then pay attention to exactly how fatigue, which you used to call drowsiness, will come to you. Write down all the areas that make themselves felt - we will work with them most often in the future. As a rule, a person's eyes begin to get heavy, sometimes there is a pain in them (muscle blocks on the face are one of the most persistent and common). After the face squeezes the back, the area between the shoulder blades, or a spasm grabs the lower back. You could feel tension in your back during the daytime, but by night deep layers of tension appear.

We tend to feel the strongest muscle block the weakest. It can be described as a background feeling of fatigue and even frustration that cannot be associated with anything specific. So, you may be drawn to sleep simply because it has become very boring to stay awake. Behind the incoming feeling of boredom, he is hiding. There is no desire to do anything, there is nothing to do, although there seems to be enough to do. Then people ask what to do at night and how do you entertain yourself when you are awake?

But, the thing is different. There is no interesting activity in this state, so there is no question - what to do, what activity to choose, so that you want to start doing. The whole question is that there is no strength to do anything.

Where did they go?

We believe, as it was said at the very beginning, the arrival of fatigue is a consequence of exhaustion of strength, but knowing what a muscle block is and taking into account its properties to delay, prevent the flow of blood and energy through it, we can say with certainty that access to our forces has been blocked.

The muscle block acts like a dam built in the bed of a full-flowing river. As soon as the dam closes, the flow of water decreases sharply and we feel that we have run out of strength, although in reality there are as many forces as there were before, just access to them is blocked.

In addition to sharply blocking the flow, dams also reduce the capacity and speed of the river flow. At the body level, we observe a decrease in blood flow and aging of cells, malfunctions of organs, stiffness in movements and other physiological abnormalities, including sleep.

Thus, a person falls asleep due to the fact that the muscles block the flow of vital energy in the body, after which the consciousness turns off (experiencing a shortage of prana for its work) and all the tension that has surfaced is again packed into deeper muscle layers.