West of Eden. Part 10

West of Eden. Part 10

West of Eden. Part 10

Дмитрий Ардха


Who are dragons? Where did they come from and who are they in fact? In this work, I tell about the history of their development and evolution from the original form, to the repeatedly changed appearance, character and goals.

Eden, was the first home, a distant world in which dragons first acquired the form known to this day.

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Dragons are wise and arrogant creatures, at the core of their being, they are parasites, or rather super parasites.

They don't have their own bodies, in the full sense of the word. Initially, we could have attributed them more to the kingdom of mushrooms with features of superior, self-learning artificial intelligence, but unlike the latter, they are still alive. And yet, their consciousness was quite weak, although their computational and analytical abilities were extremely high. That is why they began to learn to master the consciousness of their victims. In the beginning, in the plant world, and then in the animal world, which we observe to this day.

First, they merge with the DNA code of the carrier, then, having understood the initial structure of the organism, they adapt to feed on its consciousness, thus gradually forming their individual traits and their own awareness, separate from the collective mind, but still connected with it.

We know that their first highest carrier was a species of humanoid reptiles. That is why they are credited with the scaly appearance of lizards. But, only a small part of these reptiles had wings, while the rest of the species were wingless, erect, quite conscious, but rather rude.

It should also be understood that animals in those days were much more conscious, since their consciousness remained intact, they had no one to feed on. So, the animals of that time were at the level of today's people, and people have now descended to the level of the animals of that time.

Thus, of all the available inhabitants of their home world, the higher lizards, which are often talked about in connection with Eden, suited the Dragons the most.

It is difficult to say how developed the society of these lizards was at the time of its enslavement, but from them they clearly adopted quite predatory habits, an extremely high level of aggression, wild, animal passions and a vertical hierarchy of power.

The dragons continued to learn, and gradually spread across the universe like an infection, so artfully merged with the consciousness of the carriers that it looked like the reptiles, having made an incredible leap in the level of their technology, went berserk, starting to capture the surrounding worlds.

However, who knows exactly how everything happened in those distant times.

The main thing is that one day a young Deity traveling to distant worlds of the universe fell into their clutches. They saw great potential in the new carrier, surpassing their former slaves in everything.

By obtaining his DNA and creating the first sample of the symbiont, the work was done. And then, everything went according to a repeatedly worked-out scenario.

The parasite was passed down from generation to generation, while the process of adaptation and secret seizure of control was going on. Finally, the first adult appeared in the powerful body of the Deity and society split. As planned, the Gods began to fight with the Gods, so even more infected and adult individuals appeared, still hiding their essence.

Of course, this is only a primitive and rather abbreviated description of the events that took place in reality.

Already in the aftermath of the defeat, a reasonable person was created from the Deity, with a heavily trimmed functionality and a built-in system of self-destruction, that is, aging. A similar aging defect was provided to all other life forms with which this world was repopulated.

It is difficult to say how many floods have passed since then. But one thing is absolutely clear, the last settlement occurred only about 300 years ago.

It is important to understand that the merging with the new form of the carrier did not happen quite smoothly. Some larvae were able to absorb more Divine traits, some less.

So it turned out a lot of rather strange creatures, divided into two conditional classes. Gods and Demons. The latter inherited more aggression and habits of reptiles than the former, who learned what high pleasures, art and aesthetics are. Of course, they wildly despised each other for these differences.

And so the lower dragons began to share power, and the older ones saw this as a benefit and legitimized this state of affairs, dividing them into upper and lower worlds.

The separation of the same kind of Dragons, to a greater extent, occurred due to the polarity of the two principles in the Deity himself, in the unity of opposites, with which it was extremely difficult for the Dragons to understand, so they took one or the other field found in their carrier.

So a completely new world was born in the "West of Eden" cradle of ancient Dragons.

What happened next?
One of the first Dragons who managed to absorb quite a lot of the consciousness of the supreme Deity himself has changed a lot. This led him to create an ascent path for other Dragons, which was a completely new stage in their development and would make this species even more dangerous. Unlike the hierarchy of reptiles, whi