


Дмитрий Ардха


What is lactose?

Lactose is milk sugar. It is found in any milk, except milk processed with an enzyme that absorbs lactose. Such milk is called "Lactose-free".

Lactose passes into dairy products.

"Lactose intolerance", and as a consequence, milk intolerance, is caused by the lack of a sufficient amount of lactase enzymes in the human body, which, it is believed, ceases to be produced after some time, after the cessation of breastfeeding.

Read more about the symptoms of lactose poisoning and how to avoid them, even if you have a strong "intolerance", in description.

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Symptoms of lactose poisoning:
- diarrhea;
- bloating, resulting in
- abdominal pain;
- nausea;
- vomiting.

According to research [1], this phenomenon occurs in adults.

Division by country:
- Finland = 3%,
- Switzerland = 16%,
- Russia = 16- 18%,
- England = 20-30%,
- France = 42%.

And in the countries:
- Southeast Asia and the,
- African Americans in the USA
almost 100% lactose intolerance!

Lactose intolerance as a percentage in the world

How to avoid lactose poisoning?
- Sweet milk
- Adding turmeric
- Moderate heat treatment (yogurt, cottage cheese - reduces the reaction).

The breakdown of lactose is facilitated by sugars, and the breakdown of milk protein, turmeric. Thus, drinking enough sweet milk with turmeric, you will completely avoid lactose poisoning. In addition, under the influence of heat treatment, lactose is caramelized and broken down into glucose and galalactose, which also contributes to easier assimilation. However, remember that this method harms milk, reducing its nutritional value. Prolonged temperature treatment, for example, that occurs during the production of dried or melted milk leads to the binding of lysine, as a result of which the body ceases to be able to split it, which leads to clogging of digestion.

That is why ice cream containing cream and sugar is easily tolerated even by those people who experience discomfort from ordinary cow's milk.

About how to choose good turmeric, read on my website and look into telegram channel, there are a lot of interesting things there.