Let's go to Bali

Let's go to Bali

Let's go to Bali

Дмитрий Ардха


Shall we go to Bali? After all, we have few problems in our lives. Give us more! Lots of strangers too! Yes, so much so! Let's have some fun with our last money! Let's rush to the resort to the paradise drug addict, flight life! Just a paradise for drug addicts! Without any social security and healthy external environment. Ideal conditions to fuck everything up!

This is the dream of the majority of the “Spiritual” inhabitants of our island...  And I will say a few words about this dream.

Few people understand what it does to a person forty-degree heat, lack of normal personal transport, shortage of clean and high-quality housing, crowds of seals hanging around and other delights of supposedly “resort” life. However, I understand, so I speak.


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