Owners and executors of money

Owners and executors of money

Owners and executors of money

Дмитрий Ардха


This time we will consider the issue of money from the point of view of the status of its holders. Why people in most cases have a superficial attitude to money. What are the main differences between people who work for money and people who work for money?

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Who are the owners of money? Very often people have a casual relationship with money in their lives. They can hold any money in their hands: tens, hundreds and millions of dollars. Or they may be so limited in funds that they travel by public transport.
In fact, there is no fundamental difference between a millionaire in dollars and someone who works from salary to advance.
Really, there's no difference!
People think that money in their hands means talent, work, effort, knowledge or connections with influential families and clans.
Not at all!
I will tell you a secret obvious to everyone who undergoes financial training.
The secret of money lies in the status of its holder. What is your status in relation to money?
You can hold them in your arms and then, everything depends on the countless circumstances of your life. It is difficult for you to even imagine how many factors influence the final level of income. There are thousands of them, literally thousands!
Like parts in a car, there are many of them and each plays its role. Now you can imagine.
Money, your financial condition is a car.
If you take a couple of parts out of it or if they fail, that’s it, the car stops. But, if in the case of a car service the issue can be resolved, then in a situation with money it cannot. There are even more parts than in a vehicle. And to understand how they work, what they influence, this is a great art that needs to be studied over the years. At least 3-4 years to get the basics.
But how important it is!
People spend more years at school, receiving a surrogate of knowledge - knowledge that can only be refuted later, the useful part of which is mastered in just a year. This is how powerful and influential people create curriculum. Flat, often false information about the world is given to people for serious privileges over them, over their thinking and understanding of life.
3-4 years of training is super fast. This is great luck!
What happens if the car battery runs out? Even if there is fuel, it cannot be started. What if the electronic key is broken? Or did the belt break? Even little things can bring a serious system down.
This is why the status of money holder is important. And regardless of income level, people are moneymakers 97% of the time.
Sometimes they find money and then lose it. But, they are often content with very modest incomes all their lives.
The future is determined. Definitely, we already know exactly what will happen next as long as we agree with it, leaving our future to chance.
The day before, during the training, I told, citing person N as an example (and I have dozens of such examples), how living on ~100,000 USD per month, you can lose everything. To be left without everything in a couple of moments. Without the ability to restore the previous level.
Money! This is a subject of research. This is the subject of the work. People holding money in their hands are almost always the executors of money. Or rather, executors of the owners of money.
The owners of money really own the money. It doesn't matter what amounts are in their hands. The owner of money knows how to manage the events of his life, and having succeeded in this, the future of other people.
For example, when we talk about politics, you see higher-ranking money makers. And the higher the rank, the more rules, regulations and restrictions the servant has. People? No, this or that clan.
Therefore, it is obvious that the more money people hold in their hands, the more obviously they are executors of money, and specifically, the will of the owners of their money.
The “World Bank” is currently a group of organizations that was originally the “World Bank for Reconstruction and Development” created after the Second World War by the victorious countries, led by the United States. And the countries, the first clients of this organization, who suffered during the war and receive loans, are the executors of the will of the founders.
True, were you interested in knowing that it was the United States that won the war (without direct participation in hostilities)? What becomes obvious based on the distribution of resources and influence in the world after the completion of military operations. Then, the USSR was systematically destroyed.
As we see, there are rules by which even such large organizations and states exist. These are the rules of money.
Owners of money is the status of people who understand how to manage money in order to be their owners.
And here we are talking about very mundane issues. Which every person encounters in his life, the poorest and the richest.
Money, as a tool, does not care what your income and position are, what an expensive car or a well-known business. Money is just as indifferent when you live on a couple of dollars a day.
The only question is how you use this tool. This is what determines whether he will serve you or you will serve him.
For example, the profit that an employee creates is usually a multiple of his salary. And this is called the average salary. Have you ever wondered why almost everywhere people receive an average salary and this is perceived as the norm?
In general, it doesn’t matter what you do there is a company. After all, the profitability of different businesses can be catastrophically different.
How do you like a person working on projects worth millions of dollars with a salary of 1,000 USD?
Do you think it's rare? No, this is the norm in business.
An average salary or even a high salary is the case when people work for money, creating profits that are multiples of the remuneration received.
And, if you think that such a difference is possible only in construction and energy companies, then no. Any small business that pays an average salary takes from 3 to 10 times more specialized employee income.
Do we see a problem with this? If we are the owners of money, this is a problem for us. If, the executors of money, then the norm and, even, the object of desire. What's wrong with taking more profits from your business?
Good or bad, conventions, the question is, is it effective?
The money maker will believe that profit is his goal. For the owner of money, this goal is ridiculous.
The question is the difference in their knowledge and thinking. When the money already belongs to you, what is the point of thinking about profit?
I will give an example, unfortunately, little known, but very accurate. In the hands of political forces there are services that carry out their instructions, are engaged in transmitting messages, ensuring connections and seizing spheres of influence.
Their approach to work is far from profit-making. But the fate of states depends on this approach. Accordingly, profit is only one of the points, each of which is based on the degree of influence.
Degree of influence.
It is the degree of influence, both on our lives and on the lives of other people, that determines our status in matters of money.
• Who shapes our future?
• How is the future created?
• What influences our lives?
• How do we influence our lives?
• How are we connected to people in general?
• And with the places where we spend time?
In these seemingly simple, but extremely important issues, we begin to understand the training. After all, they are the ones who begin to change our status in relations with money.