The main sin of science

The main sin of science

The main sin of science

Дмитрий Ардха


We live in a world created with the help of scientific thought. It's time to talk about what the main sin of this thought is.

In this video I am talking about the principle of conducting any scientific research.

The model of obtaining grants has firmly entered the scientific environment, but at the same time it is vicious in its essence, because in order to please the one who orders research, convenient and desirable conclusions are made, any evidence is found and even the most obvious facts are swept under the carpet.

On the other hand, the scientific environment is sick with vanity, authoritative scientists, by the power of their influence, are accustomed to suppress common sense and objectivity of any arguments, just to remain sinless in their own conclusions and defend the interests of those financial circles that provide them.

Are you familiar with this situation? Share your findings and observations in the comments.

But what should be a healthy science? First of all, the scientific world should set its main goal – to increase human happiness. Moreover, both an individual and the whole society. Otherwise, why else do we need science?

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