List of products by manufacturer Дмитрий Ардха

???? Я гипнолог, работаю по методу 36. Помогаю устранить страхи, проблемы в отношениях, найти любимого, понять своё предназначение, избавиться от зависимости, справиться с изменами супруга, обрести успех и многое другое. 

???? Вы можете прийти ко мне со своей проблемой или потребностью и во время сеансов найти 100% работающее решение, которое сразу же сможете применить в своей жизни! 

  • Always believe the truth within yourself
    Always believe the truth within yourself

    You can never give up. You can retreat, lose, be broken and destroyed, yes, this happens, but you must always believe the...

    You can never give up. You can retreat, lose, be broken and destroyed, yes, this happens, but you must always believe the truth within yourself. You must remember that truth is...

    You can never give up. You can retreat, lose, be broken and destroyed, yes,...

  • Alternation of rhythms
    Alternation of rhythms

    What is alternating rhythms and how does it work in practice. I show with my own example.

    What is alternating rhythms and how does it work in practice. I show with my own example.

    What is alternating rhythms and how does it work in practice. I show with my...

  • Acquired strength. Part 2
    Acquired strength. Part 2

    What does it take to get out of the thick and dark forest of oblivion? How to see your original nature. Listen to thoughts...

    What does it take to get out of the thick and dark forest of oblivion? How to see your original nature. Listen to thoughts on this topic in this podcast. On its own, this recording...

    What does it take to get out of the thick and dark forest of oblivion? How...

  • About anal sex
  • A measure of health in food. Part 1
    A measure of health in food. Part 1

    What does our health consist of? How does our body work? What is the basis of any vital activity and nutrition system? The...

    What does our health consist of? How does our body work? What is the basis of any vital activity and nutrition system? The mystery behind the darkness of ignorance and erroneous...

    What does our health consist of? How does our body work? What is the basis...

  • A massage chair is better than a masseur
    A massage chair is better than a masseur

    Why can a massage chair be better? It's all about its accessibility, ease of use and simultaneous massage of different...

    Why can a massage chair be better? It's all about its accessibility, ease of use and simultaneous massage of different parts of the body, which allows you to get significant...

    Why can a massage chair be better? It's all about its accessibility, ease of...

  • A deceitful food system

    Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are a lie of modern dietetics, designed to confuse the issue related to the construction of...

    Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are a lie of modern dietetics, designed to confuse the issue related to the construction of a healthy nutrition system. Proper nutrition consists of...

    Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are a lie of modern dietetics, designed to...

  • 8 days before the beginning of autumn
    8 days before the beginning of autumn

    Meanwhile in the world. A collection of fresh work from the best photographers from around the world, created eight days...

    Meanwhile in the world. A collection of fresh work from the best photographers from around the world, created eight days before the start of autumn. The air is frozen, clear as...

    Meanwhile in the world. A collection of fresh work from the best...

  • 6 major misconceptions about sleep...
    6 major misconceptions about sleep deprivation

    Misconceptions - how can we do without them? In any area of life, the very first thing we come into contact with is...

    Misconceptions - how can we do without them? In any area of life, the very first thing we come into contact with is delusion. Old ones that become obvious and new ones that appear as...

    Misconceptions - how can we do without them? In any area of life, the very...

  • 5 languages of love - what is it?
    5 languages of love - what is it?

    In this video we will talk about the languages of love, a universal tool that all people speak. The key to understanding...

    In this video we will talk about the languages of love, a universal tool that all people speak. The key to understanding the bond of love makes it possible to change any relationship.

    In this video we will talk about the languages of love, a universal tool...

  • 5 key points of sleep deprivation
    5 key points of sleep deprivation

    1. inclusion in reality 2. maintaining vigor and clarity 3. observing the rhythm of activity and contemplation 4....

    1. inclusion in reality 2. maintaining vigor and clarity 3. observing the rhythm of activity and contemplation 4. compatibility with other practices 5. who needs it and why

    1. inclusion in reality 2. maintaining vigor and clarity 3. observing the...

  • 25 October 2021
    October 25, 2021

    Video without words. The video conveys a state of peace. Only music sounds. Videos for relaxation and self-immersion. I...

    Video without words. The video conveys a state of peace. Only music sounds. Videos for relaxation and self-immersion. I put it together just to distract myself from work somewhere...

    Video without words. The video conveys a state of peace. Only music sounds....

  • 2 secrets of a rich man
    2 секрета богатого

    Being rich is the duty of every person. My method of working with the psyche and energy. Two secrets of a rich man in two...

    Being rich is the duty of every person. My method of working with the psyche and energy. Two secrets of a rich man in two approaches to activities that increase well-being.

    Being rich is the duty of every person. My method of working with the psyche...

  • 10 conditions for acquiring knowledge
    10 conditions for acquiring knowledge

    In our life there is various knowledge, but most of it is unprofitable. Why is this happening? What are the reasons? And,...

    In our life there is various knowledge, but most of it is unprofitable. Why is this happening? What are the reasons? And, most importantly, what conditions are needed for any...

    In our life there is various knowledge, but most of it is unprofitable. Why...

  • 10 commandments of a successful project
    10 заповедей успешного проекта

    1. Create a project only with your own hands, without transferring responsibility for this to other people.2. In the...

    1. Create a project only with your own hands, without transferring responsibility for this to other people.2. In the project, use only your strong desires (without adding the desires...

    1. Create a project only with your own hands, without transferring...