10 commandments of a successful project

10 commandments of a successful project

10 commandments of a successful project

Дмитрий Ардха

1. Create a project only with your own hands, without transferring responsibility for this to other people.

2. In the project, use only your strong desires (without adding the desires of other people).

3. For a project, choose only the area of activity that is closest to you (since implementation in other areas is premature).

4. Within the closest field of activity, choose the most pleasant role for yourself, since it is this position that will allow you to fully express yourself and realize yourself in the project.

5. In the project, fulfill only your role.

6. Invite only those people who really need it to the project, choosing them only from your environment. Because your project is always successful in its own environment. The others will come themselves.

7. From the very beginning, build a project so that it is interesting for your environment (without unnecessary conditions, without unnecessary offers, without unnecessary design and everything that will be superfluous for people from your environment).

8. Invite to the project only those people who know what they are doing and love their work (no newcomers, no doubts about their case or the project).

9. Create a project only on the basis of your strongest sides, and put them in the very first place (without betting on the underdeveloped sides and points of expected growth).

10. Invest in the project only those resources that can be gift to it without compromising their well-being. To make this gift without expecting future compensation. Receive full satisfaction in the present from the effective investment of no busy resources.

I would like to thank Sandeep Kumar, Nikolai Nov, as well as many other people with Whom I have worked or communicated, for their participation in drafting these rules.

With joy and prosperity!
Dmitry Ardha

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