
  • The inner man and woman who are they?
    Внутренний мужчина и женщина кто они?

    In this video I talk about who is the inner man and woman? What are their roles in life, what do they do, what are they...

    In this video I talk about who is the inner man and woman? What are their roles in life, what do they do, what are they responsible for, and how are we connected with them? I'm also...

    In this video I talk about who is the inner man and woman? What are their...

  • Reactions. Laughter and the depreciation
    Reactions. Laughter and the depreciation

    Is it difficult to understand how we react and why exactly? What's behind this? What are the seemingly harmless reactions...

    Is it difficult to understand how we react and why exactly? What's behind this? What are the seemingly harmless reactions based on? I'll talk about my observations of laughter and...

    Is it difficult to understand how we react and why exactly? What's behind...

  • The secret of success. What do you need to...
    Тайна успеха. Что тебе нужно для успеха? Часть 2

    The road to success, is it long? How do you imagine your success? What do you need to be successful? What accompanies...

    The road to success, is it long? How do you imagine your success? What do you need to be successful? What accompanies you all the way to success? How do people prove to...

    The road to success, is it long? How do you imagine your success? What do...

  • The secret of success. From whom to take...
    Тайна успеха. У кого взять успех? Часть 1

    The secret place where success is stored. Can a producer give success? Can viewers give success? Can advertising be...

    The secret place where success is stored. Can a producer give success? Can viewers give success? Can advertising be successful? Why is everything that people used to do for success...

    The secret place where success is stored. Can a producer give success? Can...

  • Self-love. Introduction to the topic. Part 1
    Self-love. Introduction to the topic. Part 1

    1) Common situations in life2) There is no agreement / internal conflict within oneself3) Self-sabotage, explicit or...

    1) Common situations in life2) There is no agreement / internal conflict within oneself3) Self-sabotage, explicit or covert4) Self-love, what is it?-Superficial perception of the...

    1) Common situations in life2) There is no agreement / internal conflict...

  • Alcohol and drugs, the taste of victory....
  • Alcohol as a pill
    Alcohol as a pill

    1. In which cases alcohol is an assistant;2. Alcohol and pills-pain relief and addiction;3. Alcohol in relationships;4....

    1. In which cases alcohol is an assistant;2. Alcohol and pills-pain relief and addiction;3. Alcohol in relationships;4. Hopelessness during the resolution of the issue;5....

    1. In which cases alcohol is an assistant;2. Alcohol and pills-pain relief...

  • Alcohol i2. Types of pain that lead to use.

    1. Why do people drink on holidays;2. Pain as a reason to drink;3. The pain in the relationship;4. Pain from work;5. The...

    1. Why do people drink on holidays;2. Pain as a reason to drink;3. The pain in the relationship;4. Pain from work;5. The pain of guilt.

    1. Why do people drink on holidays;2. Pain as a reason to drink;3. The pain...

  • Alcohol on new year's holidays
    Alcohol on new year's holidays

    1. Why alcohol makes a save;2. The need to be real and alcohol;3. What actually gives a person intoxication;4. As there is...

    1. Why alcohol makes a save;2. The need to be real and alcohol;3. What actually gives a person intoxication;4. As there is a dependence on alcohol;5. Drinking is bad or good.

    1. Why alcohol makes a save;2. The need to be real and alcohol;3. What...

  • Alatyr stone, and the winter solstice.
    Алатырь камень и зимнее солнцестояние.

    1. We go to the Alatyr stone;2. 4 natural cycles;3. Try winter berries;4. The wonders of the mountain Internet. Air date:...

    1. We go to the Alatyr stone;2. 4 natural cycles;3. Try winter berries;4. The wonders of the mountain Internet. Air date: 24.12.2019Air time: 21: 00 Moscow time

    1. We go to the Alatyr stone;2. 4 natural cycles;3. Try winter berries;4....

  • Come prepararsi e trascorrere le vacanze...
    Come prepararsi e trascorrere le vacanze di Capodanno?

    1. Bridge to the island;2. Points of the new year, an occasion to rethink the past;3. Our environment and relationships,...

    1. Bridge to the island;2. Points of the new year, an occasion to rethink the past;3. Our environment and relationships, business and endeavors, our qualities;4. From the old to the...

    1. Bridge to the island;2. Points of the new year, an occasion to rethink...

  • Mountain water that changes thoughts
    Mountain water that changes thoughts

    1. Why spring water is the strongest;2. The secret to +4.3 degrees;3. Because of what spring water loses its properties...

    1. Why spring water is the strongest;2. The secret to +4.3 degrees;3. Because of what spring water loses its properties after 2 hours;4. Connection of water, body and thoughts;5. How...

    1. Why spring water is the strongest;2. The secret to +4.3 degrees;3....

  • Altai shamans.
    Altai shamans.

    1. Altai Switzerland;2. The emergence of shamanism;3. How to get answers from Nature;4. And, of course, we will show the...

    1. Altai Switzerland;2. The emergence of shamanism;3. How to get answers from Nature;4. And, of course, we will show the Bank of the Katun river. There are a lot of interesting...

    1. Altai Switzerland;2. The emergence of shamanism;3. How to get answers...

  • How to update the relationship?
    How to update the relationship?

    1. The deepest part of the Katun;2. Legend of the river;3. Winter fisherman's asana;4. How to strengthen relationships...

    1. The deepest part of the Katun;2. Legend of the river;3. Winter fisherman's asana;4. How to strengthen relationships with winter travel;5. Check the compatibility of future...

    1. The deepest part of the Katun;2. Legend of the river;3. Winter...

  • Mind or Intuition. What to choose?
    Mind or Intuition. What to choose?

    Every person asks the question - whether to follow the voice of the heart or the arguments of reason? How to solve such a...

    Every person asks the question - whether to follow the voice of the heart or the arguments of reason? How to solve such a difficult and meaningful question? I'll tell you about it in...

    Every person asks the question - whether to follow the voice of the heart or...

  • Ошибки? настоящий ресурс и топливо для...
    Ошибки? настоящий ресурс и топливо для успеха!

    How errors appear;Is it worth punishing yourself for mistakes;The alternative personality, successful and correct, must be...

    How errors appear;Is it worth punishing yourself for mistakes;The alternative personality, successful and correct, must be destroyed;Is success a resource? No, it's an...

    How errors appear;Is it worth punishing yourself for mistakes;The...

  • How to spend your birthday?
    How to spend your birthday?

    We all thought at least once: - what are the holidays? - what's the point? - and how to spend a meaningful day of your life?

    We all thought at least once: - what are the holidays? - what's the point? - and how to spend a meaningful day of your life?

    We all thought at least once: - what are the holidays? - what's the point? -...