Self-love. Introduction to the topic. Part 1

Self-love. Introduction to the topic. Part 1

Self-love. Introduction to the topic. Part 1

Наталья Макейра


☀1) Common situations in life
☀2) There is no agreement / internal conflict within oneself
☀3) Self-sabotage, explicit or covert
☀4) Self-love, what is it?

-Superficial perception of the question
- Superficial approaches to solving the situation
- Selfishness - good or bad?
- Sacrifice, trying to be good
- The division into bad / good in the family and in society

☀5) What is the way out? Resource accumulation

- the resource comes through different spheres of life and practice
- point approach, what exactly is associated with self-love

☀6) Growing up
- formation of an emotional center
- I can give myself what I expect from others

☀7) Broadcast summaryf09f998ff09f8fbb

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  • Country: Russia
  • Date: 15-09-2020
  • Format: live broadcast
  • Place: Moscow
  • Time: 19:00