How to start a relationship correctly?

How to start a relationship correctly?

How to start a relationship correctly?

Дмитрий Ардха

First, you need to clearly understand the purpose of the relationship.

Your primary task is to get to know your husband/wife from thousands of other people.

Your life and future fate depend on the outcome of the game, in "guess who is in front of you?".

So people are really afraid to start it. It is often even easier to get married or get married blindly under the influence of passion, jealousy and frivolity than to feel the responsibility of participating in this game.

So, if you do not have full details of your past lives, then it takes time to recognize and remember each other, at least 1 year.

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How to start a relationship correctly?

First, you need to clearly understand the purpose of the relationship.

Your primary task is to get to know your husband/wife from thousands of other people.

Your life and future fate depend on the outcome of the game, in "guess who is in front of you?".

So people are really afraid to start it. It is often even easier to get married or get married blindly under the influence of passion, jealousy and frivolity than to feel the responsibility of participating in this game.

So, if you do not have full details of your past lives, then it takes time to recognize and remember each other, at least 1 year.

1. Appearance and communication / looks, voice and brief touches.

A. You should look at each other as much as possible, that is, you often see each other in different places, on a walk, at lunch, at events, etc.So you will understand how much a person looks like you outwardly.

B. In addition to visual impressions, it is important how communication goes, how interesting it is for you to spend time together and whether you know each other's voice.

Q. After holding hands, try to understand whether his touch is familiar and pleasant.

When the similarities are obvious, move on.

2. Interests / Hugs

A. Spend time together doing what you like, your and his interests and hobbies. See how much he is interested in what you do, and you are interested in what he does. This stage is aimed at getting joint impressions and getting to know each other through tastes, preferences and the ability to get pleasant impressions from what the other likes.

B. At that stage, hugs are acceptable, pay attention to how you feel when your bodies are at a close distance. Are you calm or excited? Is it warm or cold? Cozy or anxious?

Deal with this stage and when everything is fine, move on.

3. Goals / kiss

Discuss the goals of your life and life together, how you see them, why they are important to you, would you like to do, what to do in family life, what is important to you in another person.

Here it will be good for you to taste each other to understand how close this taste is and we are talking about kissing. Lips, cheeks, hands, neck, and only. After all, it's too early to move on.

When you realize that you are moving in one direction, go to the next stage.

4. Qualities / life and sleep together

Now it's time to test each other's moral qualities and it's time to start living together. And that means sleeping together, of course, still in clothes.

Joint sleep and everyday life will give you the opportunity to see what your qualities are, whether they coincide, whether they are understandable and pleasant to each other.

Are you able to keep a distance and fulfill agreements. Or your passion can do whatever it wants with you.

When you start to feel each other even better and closer, go to the fifth stage.

5. Feelings / touches to the naked body

Now is the time to show feelings. Of course, after this stage it will be difficult for you to stop, but by this time you should already get to know each other well. What are the clothes for? When you finally undress each other, another opportunity will open up to get to know a loved one. Maybe you made a mistake with marriage after all? Give yourself some time. And suddenly it's your close friend from the past. Explore your senses, body and background sensations.

6. Serving / Caressing symbols with your mouth

Now is the time to get to know each other in service and care.  Of course, you have already had time for this, but after your intimate relationship moves to a new stage, the service should bring you even closer. This is where it will be revealed how ready you are to accept your future spouse and serve him. After all, the caress of symbols with the mouth is a form of reverence and worship.

Satisfied with each other's warm and accepting attitude, move on.

7. Responsibility / Affection with symbols

Responsibility manifests itself when you take on suitable tasks and faithfully fulfill your duties in the relationship.

Also at this stage, you distribute joint expenses and income on an ongoing basis.

Publications, [16.07.21 22: 54]
In an intimate sense, since you have not yet made a final decision to be husband and wife, there is no right to enter into each other. However, you can experience a whole palette of transcendent feelings while staying outside and preparing for the wedding.

7.5. Cases / Coitus

This is the last stage of preparing for a relationship, when you successfully engage in common affairs. And fully build a life together. In fact, you become spouses when your mental and emotional penetration into each other ends with a physical one. This is the marital relationship in its true sense. So you can decide whether to make love before the wedding or after, but one way or another, you should accept that after passing the last stage of intimacy, you become a full-fledged spouse.

Here are all 7 stages that are needed to be able to get to know your husband or wife. Therefore, sincerely, without bias, fears and doubts, move forward, when at each stage you got to know each other more closely.

If there are still difficulties at some stages, stop. There is no point in getting upset, give each other extra time, because we all make mistakes. Every person from time to time understands and manifests himself worse than he could have done at a more appropriate moment. Look carefully at the reasons for the differences and eliminate them.

Otherwise, having reached the 7th stage, you have the opportunity to realize relatively painlessly that in front of you, instead of a spouse, there is a close friend, a relative from past lives or another karmic person, so the relationship with him is solved in a different way.

Use 7.5 stages of getting to know your spouse and you are highly likely to create a happy, mutually fulfilling and mutually admiring relationship.
