Час Быка

Час Быка

Час Быка

Иван Ефремов


The Great Circle expedition accidentally passed by transmits information about a found planet with intelligent life to the earth, just like on earth.

Scientists of the earth are trying to understand how this is possible? Why do the inhabitants of a distant world look so much like the civilization of consumption and oligarchic power that once existed on earth many millennia ago.

A planet where people are divided into two classes, the Kji are long-lived, learned and useful members of society , and Gee, laborers without the most basic skills and rights, living until the age of 25, then exiled to the temple of "Pleasant Death". “Tormans”, as they eventually call the distant planet, and decide to save their fellows by equipping the expedition with a new pulse starship that passes through time for vast distances.

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Joint Author диктор Александр Клюквин


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