White color and its meaning

White color and its meaning

White color and its meaning

Дмитрий Ардха

In this article I will talk about the white color of its role in life and use cases. What the white color is responsible for, how it affects the subconscious, what colors it combines with and what are its advantages and disadvantages.

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White color, what role does it play in life? What does our subconscious mind say about this?

White is the color of manifestation, it is noticeable, it is visible, it is solemn. The white color brings liberation, it is the color of freedom, space, acceptance and lightness.

The power of white.
On white, as well as on dark, all other colors begin to work (remember that white and black are the light ranges between which the rest of the palette appears). So white greatly enhances all other colors, especially when used as a background. White is perfect for the background color of clothes, it is easy to combine with anything.

White in relation to other colors?
Highlights all the colors of the light range.
It does not go well with the colors of the dark range, especially with black, creating conflict and opposition. From the mixing of these opposites, a gray color appears - a symbol of depression and suppression.

The qualities of white
White radiates, it gives, therefore it is associated with kindness, love, loyalty, boundlessness, purity and peace.

White for a woman
White is a very light color, which is why women so often wear clothes of this color. White makes a woman younger and softer, gives her smoothness and grace. White is one of the best female colors, and yet in everyday life it should be combined with other colors. There is no coincidence that white is easy to get dirty, so other colors come to the rescue, which remove the increased solemnity from snow-white clothes, soothe its radiance.

White for men
White gives success, publicity and formality. Therefore, all statesmen wear white shirts in order to gain people's trust and identify themselves and their activities with something clean and respectable. Although men often wear white with black, which indicates a great internal conflict, which is reflected in fashion and wardrobe choices. Therefore, it is especially important for a man to use white wisely. When choosing clothes, it is worth combining it with other pronounced colors, avoiding too dark tones. Then the white color really looks good in the men's wardrobe, removing all subconscious associations with war and death (white and black funeral suit).

White in Nature
, White is the color of the sun, the main luminary that gives heat to all the planets in the solar system. After all, it is the rays of the sun that are white before they enter the earth's atmosphere. White is the color of ice and snow, the color of peace in Nature.

The influence of white on consciousness:
White is good for when you need to calm down. When you have a lot of hard-to-control feelings, wear white. When you need clarity, wear white. If you want purity and ease in life, white will be the most successful color that you can wear. White color has a particularly good effect when you rarely wear it and when it is used wisely, without conflicts with black. The white color can be oppressive when it fills the entire space, especially the use of white for the floor is bad. The worst thing that can be done is the floor is white. Subconsciously, we perceive white under our feet as a symbol of falling, when either we fall into nowhere or go upside down, which also causes tension. When the walls, floor and ceiling are made in white, we lose orientation in space, everything becomes the same, top-bottom, right-left, under the influence of oppressive white, dissolution and loss of self occurs. At the same time, on the contrary, the white color of the ceiling is one of the best, it gives us space, elevates and attracts.

It is believed that white is worn by good people, so if they are afraid of you or have difficulty understanding, wear white, and you will immediately become much friendlier and clearer in the eyes of others. By wearing white, even your thoughts, remaining as they are, suddenly become clearer to other people.

The last time I wore white in clothes was about 15 years ago. An amazing amount of time has passed while almost only black and dark shades were present in my life. And how often do you wear white and in what combinations?