Practice Of Existence

Practice Of Existence

Practice Of Existence

Дмитрий Ардха


Essential Practice for Immersion in Presence

1. Move to the nearest place filled with consciousness.
2. Play flowing hypnosis music.
3. Close your eyes. Present a dark screen.
4. Start practice. Switch to imagination.
5. Draw numbers, without voiceover. Each new figure must emerge from the imagination, without the fate of the mind. The mind is silent when listening to music.
6. To keep the created image of the number in imagination as long as it is necessary to fix it in memory. Maybe a couple of whips, maybe longer.
7. Having reached a qualitative change in the state (on the account 110 or 310 - individually), immerse yourself in the Presence.

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  • Date: 2020-08-13
  • Format: live broadcast