How to get a raise by forgiving the debtor

How to get a raise by forgiving the debtor

How to get a raise by forgiving the debtor

Дмитрий Ардха

How to get a promotion by forgiving the debtor?

1. Imagine the debtor and his debt related to you.

2. Imagine how much effort you have already spent on waiting for the repayment of the debt in its equivalent.

3. Realize that you have acquired equal in value to the entire debt and its expectation.

4. Pay for your purchase by sending all the spent forces to the recipient of the debt.

5. Feel relief and liberation.

6. You have given up on further spending and have stopped keeping your forces in a closed source, which means that your forces will soon find an open source. For example, you will get a promotion at work.

I use this technique in regressive hypnosis sessions to get rid of debts and regain resources lost in the past.

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For example, it turns out that Pavel took 200,000 from Ilya, Ilya spent his time and nerves waiting for the debt, and it cost him another 100,000 (according to the feelings of loss). Adds up and we get the total amount of the debt of 300 thousand. After that, Ilya needs to understand what kind of relationship with Pavel or other people led him to such a loss, that is, for what exactly he paid these 300. Forced or consciously, we make mistakes in our relationships with people, as a result, both they and we lose vitality, connections are tracked. Having done this, Ilya deliberately gives the stuck money to Pavel or through Pavel to the one to whom he owed and is freed from the black hole in his budget. When Ilya restores his integrity, money will come to him faster and easier.
