My gift for the New Year!

My gift for the New Year!

My gift for the New Year!

Николай Нова


If you were thinking about it, it's time to join my team! Special promo! Valid only until December 31!!!!
Give yourself a New Year gift:
- New travel business with MWR Life!
- A new elite membership in the travel club!
- A new dream team and a new lifestyle!
- Support personally from Nikolay Nova
- Opportunity to win a cruise for two (only until December 31! Draw immediately in January!)
- Get a bonus as a gift pumping money thinking:
► Intensive " thinking Millionaire for 1 day"
► Re-Boot - " Reloading money thinking"
► "Technology 88"
► Video course " how to spend a year in Thai Paradise"

Contact me today!

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Audio version - listen or download


  • Country: Russia
  • Format: video
  • Place: Moscow
  • Time: 14:00