Why did I choose MWRLife?

Why did I choose MWRLife?

Why did I choose MWRLife?

Николай Нова


1. The most worthy cause of my life;
2. My business experience;
3. Why did I go online for the first time;
4. Difference between network model and hiring;
5. What network companies did I work for;
6. MWRLife – what's the name;
7. Network in the field of recreation;
8. My criteria is reliability of the company;
9. About my team;
10. How easy is it for a beginner to make results;
11. What do I and my team give to new members;
12. What a dream I, personally, want to realize.

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  • Country: Russia
  • Date: 26-12-2019
  • Format: live broadcast
  • Place: Moscow
  • Time: 21:00