How to find yourself? 12 houses of fate. Part 3

How to find yourself? 12 houses of fate. Part 3

How to find yourself? 12 houses of fate. Part 3

Наталья Макейра


All charged morning!
Today on the air I'm telling you what the houses of fate are
- What each of the 12 houses of fate points to. Their impact on life.
- The principle of managing the houses of fate or areas of your life.
- Weaknesses and strengths. What is more important to work with?
- Is it possible to understand your natal chart according to interpretations from the Internet?
- Is it possible to spot 1-2 houses (spheres of life)?

- 1. House of Personality, body, health.
- 2. House of Parents, childhood.
- 3. House of Own Efforts.
- 4. House of Mother, real estate and inner world.
- 5. House of Children and Education.
- 6. House of Service, debts, enemies, diseases.
- 7. House of Family Relations, partnership.
- 8. House of Mysticism, reserve of vitality, intuition, inheritance.
- 9. House of Dharma, father, good luck, spirituality, good fortune.
- 10. House of Self-realization, work, social realization.
- 11. House of Finance, patrons, through which money comes.
- 12. House of Liberation, moving abroad, affection, spending, isolation.

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  • Country: Russia
  • Date: 31-08-2020
  • Format: live broadcast
  • Place: Moscow
  • Time: 21:00 по Москве