How to find yourself? Natal chart. Part 2

How to find yourself? Natal chart. Part 2

How to find yourself? Natal chart. Part 2

Наталья Макейра


- In this video, we talk about what a natal chart is, what is its “magic” and value, what we can extract from it as our resource.
- In what cases do people seek such advice;
- How to understand your real request;
- How to find out what is the guarantee of harmony in family life and in relationships with loved ones, with friends, with business partners.
- Through what money and Luck come;
- Why is it important to build relationships with the family;
- How to Realize your karmic lessons and purpose;
- And how is all this connected with inner work on oneself, with an understanding of one's resource and non-resource states;
- The importance of balance in the distribution of energy through the chakras;
- Why is it important to use the synthesis of practices in self-knowledge, how the healing itself takes place in stages and the importance of the sequence of precise actions;
- How to avoid the situation "started cheerfully and then gradually abandoned"

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  • Country: Russia
  • Date: 27-08-2020
  • Format: live broadcast
  • Place: Moscow
  • Time: 21:00 по Москве