Nakshatra Anuradha

Nakshatra Anuradha

Nakshatra Anuradha

Governing DeityMitra, Radha
PersonalityGentle, soft (mridu)
Body Partsgastrointestinal tract, breast, uterus
Symbolstaff, lotus
Diseasesdiseases of the throat, chest, stomach and intestines, constipation, problems with periods
Letters and SoundsON, NO, WELL, NOT

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Anuradha consists of three stars placed in one row. To the sages watching the stars, they looked like a staff. These three stars are known in modern astrology as Beta Scorpio (Akrab), Delta Scorpio (Isidis) and Pi Scorpio. Each of these stars is located at the beginning of the constellation Scorpio. The brightest star among them is Beta Scorpio, which has an apparent magnitude of 2.62. All these stars can be easily seen in the night sky while in the countryside, if you position the bright star Antares in the constellation Scorpio, closer to the tail of the Milky Way. These three stars are located directly above the star Antares in the form of a staff (almost a straight line).

Anuradha - translated as "like Radha" or "follower of Radha." Alternative name "following success". You can guess that the name comes from the fact that this group of stars follows the constellation Radha (Visakha). Despite the fact that the connection between these two constellations is obvious, it is often overlooked. The two constellations Visakha and Anuradha form a pair just like Purvabhalguni and Uttarabhalguni.

The staff is the main symbol of this constellation, its shape was easily traced by the ancient Vedic sages. The staff has always been considered a symbol of power and protection. The exalted sages mentioned in the Puranas always had a staff with them. This is the only weapon that is always with them, but sometimes it is also the most powerful, since it carries in itself all the power of their repentance.

The reader can refer to the story of Viswamitra in the Puranic scriptures, who was at enmity with the sage Vasishta. None of Viswamitra's weapons, including Brahmastra (comparable to a modern nuclear bomb), had any power against the staff of Vasishta. The sages never used the staff for vile purposes. It was used solely for self-defense purposes. He personifies wisdom and learning, therefore, he can only act in harmony with the Universal Reason. This nakshatra is associated with the acquisition and preservation of knowledge. It also has to do with the human connection with the universe. The stronger the connection, the more tangible the influence of this nakshatra will be.

Lotus is another symbol attributed to this nakshatra by scientists and sages. Since ancient times, the qualities of purity, goodness, knowledge and insight have been attributed to the lotus. Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning, and Lakshmi, the Goddess of Prosperity, are usually depicted sitting on a lotus flower.

Lotus can grow in dirty water. This flower quality represents the ability of this nakshatra to remain sattvic in any environment. It also means gaining knowledge through the mud of the mind, intellectual and emotional turmoil.

The triumphal gate decorated with leaves is the third symbol of this nakshatra. The reader will remember that a similar symbol also belongs to the previous constellation - Visakha. As mentioned earlier, Visakha and Anuradha are associates. Just like Visakha, Anuradha represents victory.

The nakshatra in question is purposeful like its companion, but the goals are usually in harmony with the Universal mind. She will also prefer to achieve her goals with someone rather than alone. This is probably why the achievement of goals for Anuradha goes more smoothly and naturally than that of her predecessor. Visakha is usually reluctant to accept help or cooperate with anyone. In my experience, Visakha often needs allies to achieve his goals. In most cases, these allies are people born under the auspices of Anuradha.

Source: "The Book of Nakshatras. The Complete Treatise on the 27 Constellations", Prash Trivedi

Building and renewing relationships that help to succeed, developing mutual support.

Anuradha is a purposeful nakshatra, and her goals are usually in harmony with the Universal Mind. The most attractive qualities of this nakshatra are carelessness, warmth, leadership, friendliness, willingness to help and an optimistic outlook on life. Anuradha is concerned with the acquisition and accumulation of knowledge, so the key word for her is "research". And this research is not a test, but a joyful cooperation of people and energies.

Anuradha encourages opposites to communicate: the elderly with children, the mature with the inexperienced, the successful with the laggards, people of different races, castes, etc. This nakshatra can be considered as a universal solvent. Currently, Anuradha is one of the nakshatras who have the ability to see the reality behind the fake propaganda of the mass media at the social, economic and political levels.

Anuradha's logical approach to thinking is the reason that her natives are fond of exact sciences, such as mathematics and physics. Their ability to combine logic, intuition and free thinking gives sages in every field of knowledge. Numbers are what Anuradha likes most, so many natives are interested in the occult sciences, numerology or statistics. Anuradha always tries to expand the horizons of the subject under study.

Those under the strong influence of Anuradhi usually have strong hairy bodies. They have wide breasts and hips, with age they often acquire a tummy. The expression of their faces is friendly and conveys a sense of well-being, and their eyes and manner of behavior have a touch of mystery. Their behavior in society fluctuates between passivity and extreme expressiveness. They are able to combine friendliness and indifference. The intelligent actions of the Anuradhi natives reflect the balanced manifestation of the opposite energies of Mars and Saturn.

Anuradhi often make efforts to calm others and like to be intermediaries between people, groups and organizations. They are very interested in everything occult and hidden. They are extremely sensitive, although they like to wear a mask of inaccessibility.

The ability to maintain external calmness makes them good organizers. Anuradhi are often the founders and leaders of organizations. Their extraordinary mind is a melting pot of diverse knowledge and experience. Most Anuradhas express their emotions in the worship of God or the Universal energy. At certain periods of their life, they have to spend a lot of time alone with themselves.

Curiosity makes Anuradh travel a lot, especially to other countries. They adapt quite easily to the new environment. Living abroad gives them pleasure and benefits.

Empathy, devotion, love, sensitive and spiritual nature are the key characteristics of this nakshatra.

Anuradha is the nakshatra of friendship, since its ruler is Mitra, and he is the friend of all living beings. Usually, Anuradha types not only speak, but also do what they are talking about.

They have good health, courage, good organizational skills. They are hardworking, and, as a result, they are often accompanied by success in life.

With negative aspects, anger, anger, outbursts of rage and frustration can manifest themselves.

Manager, entrepreneur, promoter. The head of an organization or an institution. Consultant and psychologist. A diplomat. All professions related to foreign countries, travel and foreigners. Scientist, mathematician, researcher, statistician. A miner, a worker at a factory. A spy. All professions related to night work. Photographer. Professions related to cinema. Musician, artist. Hypnotist, astrologer, medium, occultist, numerology specialist.

Forests, mountains, caves. Lakes. Ruins and castles. Stadiums. Capitals, centers of business or cultural life. Technological and industrial areas. Places of study and research. Temples and other places of worship. Headquarters. All places related to the above professions.