Coconuts help to relax

Coconuts help to relax

Coconuts help to relax

Дмитрий Ардха


Did you know that coconuts contain a special substance that helps to relax? The oil contained in coconuts is one of the most resistant to oxidation, which means it has a high antioxidant activity.

But, the thing is that it is extremely difficult to assimilate coconut oil in its pure form. Try it yourself! Therefore, there is a way by which you can get all the benefits of coconut – this is coconut chips. 

Yes! It is coconut chips that have the best ratio of dietary fiber, which is mandatory for the assimilation of coconut oil. However, assimilation of dry, springy coconut chips is also quite difficult if you try to chew it with your teeth. 

Why do you need teeth? Use a coffee grinder!

Did you know that coconuts contain a special substance that helps to relax? The oil contained in coconuts is one of the most resistant to oxidation, which means it has a high antioxidant activity.

But, the thing is that it is extremely difficult to assimilate coconut oil in its pure form. Try it yourself! Therefore, there is a way by which you can get all the benefits of coconut – this is coconut chips.

Yes! It is coconut chips that have the best ratio of dietary fiber, which is mandatory for the assimilation of coconut oil. However, assimilation of dry, springy coconut chips is also quite difficult if you try to chew it with your teeth.

Why do you need teeth? Use a coffee grinder!

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