Fatigue and rest, what are the differences?

Fatigue and rest, what are the differences?

Fatigue and rest, what are the differences?

Дмитрий Ардха


There is the same difference between fatigue and rest as between the necessary, prosperity and excess. Considering the state of fatigue, it becomes obvious that rest is in the middle of the scale, and the starting and ending points are lethargy and tightness.

So, what happens?

1. Fatigue is a state of lethargy, which leads to relaxation.
2. Rest is a state of tonus.
3. Fatigue is a state of tightness, which leads to tension.
4. When we reach a balance between lethargy and tightness, a state of tonus sets in.
5. Being in a state of tone gives a constant influx of vitality.

Watch how you fall into a state of lethargy or tightness, then return to your tone so that you always feel rested, full of strength and inspiration.

Try it, it's easy!

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