How to get rid of love addiction

How to get rid of love addiction

How to get rid of love addiction

Addicted to love brings people a lot of suffering. It would seem that the sublime feeling is, on the contrary, lead to the discovery and perfection of the soul, and it destroys the human psyche that prevent him to live fully, to build their own plans for the future. What is the reason?

The fact that people can be happy only when he fully reveals his nature. The personality of the individual is able to germinate only if it is fully implemented. And the realization, in turn, is impossible without a harmonious relationship with other people. Family Union with your second half is one of the biggest tests, which prepares us life. This is a test of man on the degree of his spirituality and ability to accept responsibility. How to get rid of love addiction? Universal advice doesn’t exist, but some of them can be extremely useful and effective.

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Method mirror

The essence of the exercise is to go into a deep analysis of their own behavior and actions. We do not always realize all that we do. Often under the influence of emotions people act irrationally, erratically and as a consequence wrong.

Stand in front of a large mirror and try to honestly aloud to answer the question: are you happy with your partner? Answer fully and convincingly: if so, why, if not, what are you missing in the marriage? Be very honest with ourselves to admit to anything, because you need it yourself. Your reflection just will not be able to deceive you. Prepare to reveal the truth may upset you, to frighten. Exercise is best done, left at home alone. Others may not only greatly surprised to find you talking to a mirror, but also be distracting, making it difficult to concentrate.

Emotional study of grief

If you’re a victim of love addiction, the first thing you need to do is to give vent to feelings. Will be very painful and scary, life can seem dull and pointless. All that is necessary to survive and overcome. Don’t rush yourself. Don’t let the unthinkable promises «tomorrow to stop thinking about him or her.» There is no need for haste, to shame myself for undigested lesson. Emotional study of grief is to free up interior space, to prepare for a new meeting. In a particularly acute period, you can seek the assistance of the Almighty, to go to Church, read a book, to go camping.

In love we come to know ourselves and, as a rule, the partners reflect our view of ourselves. If you frequently berate yourself severely limit what or what not let happen, we will pull in the life of the person who will constantly monitor our actions. People build their lives themselves, but often do it unconsciously.


How to get rid of love addiction? What to do if your heart now turned into cold stone? In such a complex issue can be doing. If you have a hobby that brings moral satisfaction, it’s time to remember it. This is not only a way to escape, but also to raise their self-esteem. When we do what we like, increases overall life satisfaction, aligns the emotional background. So one begins to feel important and significant.

Inspiring lesson on the force can be compared only with psychotherapy. In fact, this is psychotherapy, because the result is the transformation of consciousness, the release of huge amounts of energy necessary for life.

Spiritual study

It is very important to learn to live without your former partner. To build our future have to and then only time will help to put everything in its place. No need to make yourself sicker. Clean out old pictures, try not to see an ex-spouse, nothing good these meetings do not lead. Do not try to return partner if the relationship was painful, devoid of any respect to one or both sides.

Spiritual study is to allow your soul to fully recover. Help yourself to free themselves from oppressive experiences, wait until you heal the wounds, and then with new forces it will be possible to continue the path.

Awareness of of individuality

Each of us has the whole universe. Each of us is unique and multifaceted. This is especially important to realize who long time was in a state of love addiction. The fact that this feeling eats people from the inside, not allowing him to open up fully and realize my purpose. Huge amounts of energy go just to «please» the partner, while the person remains deprived and lost. This is a terrible condition, out of which independently is very difficult. Here needed professional help.

The awareness of individuality is a big step to healing. Such a person will not allow another to wipe on her feet to humiliate and subjugate to his will. Love should be equality.

The summation of wins

Surprisingly, most people remember this defeat, and not the bright moments of life. Some individuals directly configured on the playback failure in the head, from which, of course, luck can not enter in their life so systematically and harmoniously. A man in a state of love addiction and so depressed, he does not belong to himself.

For quick recovery it is necessary to start to notice your wins and put them in a special «piggy Bank». It is possible to have a notebook, where you will be celebrating your accomplishments. This method is very effective and motivates to continue to follow the same direction.

Thus, in this paper, we have considered the question of how to get rid of love addiction. This theme is at all times up to date. Love must be noble gift, addressed from one person to another and to promote edification, and not destruction. Every man is born free, is the main value in the world. And even love has no right to take away from man his freedom, which is the highest grace and virtue. True love is impossible without freedom.