The main purpose of marital relations

The main purpose of marital relations

The main purpose of marital relations

Дмитрий Ардха

What is the main purpose of the relationship? Marriage involves many different goals, but there is one that unites and binds all the others. This goal is the basis of marriage as such.

Now people have completely forgotten about the main purpose of the relationship and live as if for the first and last time. This goal goes beyond the boundaries of one small family and one short human life. But, without following this goal, it is also obvious that the existence of our people, like any other people on the planet, will very soon come to an end.

Look at what is happening. We are born without a past and a future. In most cases, our Family is completely destroyed. There are not even minimal material benefits and means of subsistence that are inherited. Children often have nowhere to live, and building a house or buying a cell in a high-rise building is the task of a whole half of life!

Most Families do not have their own business that they would be engaged in, and children are forced to wander around the world in search of their place. It is surprising now, but it was natural earlier that each kind was engaged in its own type of activity and had its own source of income. What now exists in the form of companies and corporations representing a controlled crowd of individuals was previously created on the basis of family ties.

As for the knowledge for life, transmitted and stored by generations of ancestors? Where are they? And where is the cohesion? All relatives live on their own, but it is much worse that they are so different that they are really like strangers to each other. All classes are mixed up and erased, relationships are mixed up, strangers are born in families, the ancestral succession is destroyed, and secret societies play with our future for their own benefit.

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So what is the main purpose of marital relations? After all, who else, besides the spouses, is able to bear responsibility for this world and for the fate of their kind?

The truth is that we live in a war, in the occupation of foreign and hostile forces to humanity. And if we want to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our descendants and our Family, in which we will be reborn, from the cosmic infection that has penetrated into all spheres of human life over the past centuries, then we need to remember the most important goal of relations.

Rebirth and strengthening of a Kind!

In the upcoming future, places for birth are planned only in test tubes at factories, without mom, dad, and in general, any mention of the human race, male or female. This has already become a reality of our days, look at the peoples of Europe and America, their society is almost destroyed by toxic food, transsexual values, laws and punitive mechanisms. People no longer have the right to raise their children, to speak and think freely. Yes, that's it.. in the United States, many people live on the street, there are more homeless people than in any country in the world, and police laws are on a par with the fascist regime, when they can kill during arrest or confiscate all property for any small reason. We're next in line.

But it is a mistake to think that we have come to this state of affairs by ourselves because of laziness and blindness. Far from it, in the hidden past we have repeatedly won and almost completely destroyed this cosmic infection. Each time we were getting closer to the final victory. New knowledge and ways of confrontation appeared, we found answers and understood how it survives and again penetrates into the consciousness of people. Many secrets have been revealed and are now dormant in our ancestral memory, waiting for their time to manifest. Hard times have come, yes. But the truth is that we allowed them so that as many people as possible could see and realize, using the example of their lives, what a threat we, as humanity, met at the turn of its development. For a long time, many warriors and clerics restrained the spread of dishonor on the earth. Even in official sources, many fairy tales and myths have been preserved. With each passing century, resistance cost them more and more efforts and sacrifices of their vital force, because the society they defended ceased to resist, more and more considering this danger as someone else's business and more and more often thinking only about their immediate interests.

It became difficult for people to remember even their past life, many people generally ceased to be interested in what happened before, and someone, because of the severity of the events experienced, preferred to abandon the past, cutting off their roots.

In such conditions, it was pointless to continue to restrain the onslaught. At some point, many realized that the cosmic infection really should remain on earth by the will of fate, and its true role is to help people know and remember themselves, being poisoned by it as much as it is necessary for awakening. This means that the time will come when every person who wants to live will begin to revive his family under the threat of complete enslavement and destruction.

Celebrating a great victory over people, they are increasingly reveling in our blood and finding their boundless strength, losing caution and forgetting that in order to catch a hiding animal, the catcher is sometimes forced to become dead and wait for its bite. But we don't have such a force that will come from outside and catch the one who will bite us. Almost all the warriors and clerics, having removed the shields of their piety and hidden them for the last battle, were born along with the rest of the estates in complete ignorance and decline, in order to wait for the arrival of these times, when the enemy without any fear will begin to tear the dead flesh of a decapitated society.  

Therefore, direct all your efforts to the revival of your families.

1. Enter into marriage only with very close people from your classes in the same affiliation within the class. The very class and belonging is determined only by the identity of the goals in this life and the ways to them. No matter what rights, benefits and abilities you received at birth, the main thing is your connection and the strength of your relationship, a strong thread laid from the past to the present.

2. All other close people from other classes or from other accessories are your friends, children or other ancestral ties of the past. Keep them close and support them as much as you can and feel the need, but without marital relations, as is now often accepted when warm feelings appear. Otherwise, you will make it difficult for yourself and delay the path and you will lead them astray from your path. It is important for everyone to find their own place and their own completely suitable relationships.

3. In our time, it is hundreds of times more difficult for worthy men to incarnate than for worthy women from frequent wars that were waged by different types of weapons and influences. Many are discarded in the cycle of births, waiting for the opportunity to incarnate. This creates a strong gap in society, women under the influence of such circumstances are forced to enter into relationships with men from other classes to save their lives, and this makes the situation even more difficult, because there are even fewer suitable places for embodiment, and faith in happy family relations is fading on both sides. Therefore, take responsibility for the closest women when they are alone, as if they themselves were in such a position. What this means, I will leave to everyone for independent reflection. But one thing is for sure, you can't betray your loved ones and leave them in trouble, even when it calls into question your own survival. After all, fate returns to us very quickly. Today they are in trouble, and tomorrow we will definitely find ourselves passing by. Then there will be no one to help. But when everyone supports each other, everyone's chances of success increase.

4. Create and accumulate material values that remain in time. This is land, houses, gardens, etc. that is, what your descendants will be able to inherit. This is what represents the highest material value for yourself and for your family.

5. Look for and preserve the knowledge that is important to you for life, so that your children and grandchildren can learn from it. Times will pass, history will be rewritten, many things will be distorted or banned in various ways, and something will simply fade under the layer of huge information noise. Therefore, all the knowledge that is important to you should be stored in your family. For example, tomorrow, just like countries, they will close the Internet or introduce stricter censorship and simply filter out everything superfluous for them. And then it will be difficult to collect the pieces of what is now available.

6. Develop your generic line of activity, pass on suitable roles in it to your loved ones. Explain the importance of working together for the well-being of all your kind. In all important positions, you literally need your own people. It is customary to condemn this approach, calling it nepotism or something similar, although these are artificially created prejudices for peoples who want to rob and destroy. The entire management elite adheres to such rules. Even more severe than those described. Take the best out of it. This approach is called the responsibility to ensure the survival, prosperity, cohesion and prosperity of a kind, in the person of children, grandchildren, nephews and other representatives, providing them with a suitable place in life.

This path cannot be called easy. You will need all your knowledge, strength and achievements to strengthen yourself on it, and it may take more than one life. But, it is such an extremely difficult task that will help you significantly expand the boundaries of your capabilities, each time pushing you to awaken your dormant power and secret knowledge for the revival of the whole Family.

And then, at the right time, you will be able to put on the armor of your piety again and finish what you started