Следовать за мужчиной

Следовать за мужчиной

Следовать за мужчиной

Дмитрий Ардха

It is good when a woman follows a man to learn and improve herself, and a man always develops.

When a man has no qualities that would cause admiration, when he does not have something that would be valuable to learn or the difference between them is too great, it means that the goals of people's lives are different.

Their varnas or belonging within varnas are different, so the relationship between them will be sinful.

The combination of different causes destruction and disrupts the natural connections between people, creating connections based on self-interest, passion, desires and a false understanding of oneself.

Only when the goals of people's lives coincide, and their striving for perfection is identical to their varna and belonging, love is possible, which means deep understanding, support and mutual happiness.

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