Calculation of favorable time

Calculation of favorable time

Calculation of favorable time

If you have observed the passage of time, you will likely have noticed that each day is divided into periods of time that are more favorable and less favorable. At what there are especially difficult periods of time in which it is important to avoid certain types of activity, such as visiting crowded places, traveling, etc.

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If you have observed the passage of time, you have likely noticed that each day is divided into periods of time. Some are more favorable, others are less favorable. At what there are especially difficult periods of time in which it is important to avoid certain types of activity, such as visiting crowded places, travel, etc.

In addition, any of our actions started at a good time will contribute to success. Conversely, if you start a business at a bad time, the probability of failure will be high. From the time of the incarnation depends on what kind of energy is filled with our action.

It is customary to allocate 5 time intervals throughout the day, each of which has its own value:

Rahu kala – the time of distorted perception, all the ideas that are born at this time and the proposals that come seem to us alluring, grandiose, but when this time passes, we begin to see their false basis. Also the Rahu time – violent, associated with violence. For example, it is the most suitable to fall, get injured, get angry. Rahu Kala is a great time to uncover illusions and deceptions, because they are manifested most strongly.

Gulika kala – time to get the results of their actions. All that is done at this time tends to repeat. Gulika or Bhadra is the younger sister of Shani (Saturn).

Yama ganda – this is the time of death,when there is less energy, little strength, fatigue and devastation. While the pit is better to avoid all travel, travel and crowded places as this can be heavy. Yama ganda is a great time to complete, receiving food (destruction, digestion), getting rid of the old. For different cleansing treatments, ranging from purifying the body, to cleanse the mind.

Varjya – the time when retribution comes, some karma comes back to us, someone gives us a debt, or we have to give it. It is also a time of loss and discovery and a time to meet (when we meet the people we want to see).

Dur muherta – a difficult period of time, so translated from Sanskrit dur muhurt. When overlap with other intervals, such as Rahu Kahal, their effect is amplified.

These time intervals depend on the geographic location, so they are calculated based on latitude and longitude. Each time has its own method of calculation.

The time itself lasts only about 1 minute, but its influence is so strong that it is usually counted half an hour before it and half an hour after it. Therefore, the duration of each time is about 60 minutes.

To make your time calculations for each day:
1) Install the jaganat Hora astrological program (English version is the most accurate)
2) Select the date of birth (CTR+D). Enter today or the day on which you want to make calculations. Set the geographical coordinates manually (use the list of cities is not necessary). Save the changes.
3) Next, click the Miscellany tab, at the bottom select the Panchanga tab and get an accurate calculation of the unfavorable time for your area. To check the correctness of coordinates where the same compare the time of sunrise and time of sunset.

The program is available for download at web site autor