Fat, sick and almost dead

Fat, sick and almost dead

Fat, sick and almost dead


Documentary by Joe Cross, perfect for getting started with your health. There is nothing better than using juices, as Joe does during his trip to the US, when you need to drastically save the day.

Act like Joe and things will get better in no time!

It is vegetable juices that are the obligatory first step for cleansing the body, broken down in the difficult years of "classic overeating".

“Fat, sick and almost dead” - after this verdict of doctors, 40-year-old Australian businessman Joe Cross, who weighed 150 kg, threw away a bunch of pills that he had been taking for 8 years, bought a juicer, got into the car and went aimlessly. His goal is to drink only freshly squeezed juices from fruits, vegetables, herbs for 60 days and see if this can restore his health and harmony. The whole trip was filmed by the operator, whom Joe invited with him to make it harder to quit.

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Our health is in our hands, and the disease is everyone's personal choice.
The film tells the story of weight loss and recovery on juices step by step.

“Fat, sick and almost dead” - after this verdict of doctors, 40-year-old Australian businessman Joe Cross, who weighed 150 kg, threw away a bunch of pills that he had been taking for 8 years, bought a juicer, got into the car and went aimlessly. His goal is to drink only freshly squeezed juices from fruits, vegetables, herbs for 60 days and see if this can restore his health and harmony. The whole trip was filmed by the operator, whom Joe invited with him to make it harder to quit.

While talking to over 500 Americans about food, health and longevity at a truck stop in Arizona, Joe meets a truck driver who suffers from the same rare disease as himself. Phil is morbidly obese and weighs 429 pounds; Like Joe, Phil decides to restore his health and begins his own journey to recovery.

The film shows the story of two men from different worlds, each of whom understands that the only one who can save them is himself.

- minus 30 kg and an incredible recovery of the body, thanks to which there was no need to take pills. Joe dropped the remaining 20 kg at home after another 2 months, adding salads, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds to juices.