Fatal Mistake

Fatal Mistake

Fatal Mistake

Дмитрий Ардха


Are you under 40? This means that you are most likely living using the reserves of vitality that you received at the moment of birth. Are you over 40 and have you started to age? This means that you do not have a viable model and have only a few decades, or maybe only years, to find it.

Your time is running out. Wake up!

Your life will end in infancy if you miss this time, believing that everything is fine with you anyway. The inheritance given to a living being at birth is calculated for hundreds of years of its life, but in our world it diverges, maximum up to 40 years, after which the processes of aging and destruction begin for everyone who lived with its help.

Why do you need such a fleeting life, in which you will grow old and be able to be content with only shaky memories of it?

Ask yourself this question...

- What is the point?
- Is there any?
- And for whom?


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