Recipe for real happiness

Recipe for real happiness

Recipe for real happiness

Дмитрий Ардха


The desire for enchantment and the desire for disappointment are one and the same thing. There is nothing new in this world at all. Time as we imagine it does not exist, not even close. Wake up, white rabbit, you are stuck in mirages! The recipe for real happiness is bitter because your mouth is stuck with gum, which prevents you from feeling the taste.

The first thing you will want to do is spit out reality and wash it down with soda. But first, spit out the gum. Do you really want to be enchanted? Indulge! These sticky mirages...

If you want it so much, and I know you really do, be enchanted by the awareness of the truth.

Here's the recipe:
- take all the mirages, gather them together, examine them carefully.
- Well, what? Do you see? Find the truth behind them.
- Is it there?!
- Yes! What did you think? It's not perfect.
- What?!
- Does that scare you? Relax, White Rabbit. The truth is so much better than anything you've ever had before.

- And you know what? Your reality is better, so much better than you think it is. It's even so much better than what you imagine your future to be.

Well, open your eyes, White Rabbit.


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