Eliminating poverty

Eliminating poverty

Eliminating poverty

Дмитрий Ардха


What is poverty and how does it manifest itself in small things? Poverty is a condition, it is a choice, it is a feeling. Poverty is all around us, poverty is a lack of knowledge and misconceptions. Poverty is a vice, a mistake or a deception.

Let abundance into your life! Follow my advice and remember that everything is simpler than it seems. But, only when you have knowledge and energy.

To pass the material:

1. Buy two bottles of mineral water.
2. The first bottle is in good packaging with reasonable price and quality.
3. The second bottle is in regular packaging, good brand, but with a low price.
4. Place two bottles and two glasses on table.
5. Try each water and compare their taste and how you feel.
6. Make a decision to eliminate poverty from your life.


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