Fake about deprivation and money

Fake about deprivation and money

Fake about deprivation and money

Дмитрий Ардха


Why do people associate sleep deprivation with increased income? The biggest misconception is that deprivation makes money. But, everything is exactly the opposite! In this material I will tell you how people worsen their financial situation with the help of a misconception about this practice. How do people start and continue to lose money using sleep deprivation?

Moreover, for those who are in the tank, I will once again repeat the formula of money - what really gives money! What? This is the formula we study and apply during training. It is this formula that gives money. What does sleep deprivation have to do with it? What does sleep have to do with it?

And finally, I will once again explain why you need to pay for this knowledge in order to get results with it in your real life.