Why will people always be poor?

Why will people always be poor?

Why will people always be poor?

Дмитрий Ардха


Have you ever thought about the fatality of your fate? Why is money so difficult for you? Why does meeting even the most basic needs, such as your own real estate, means of transportation, and a supply of finances for life, cost such significant efforts of decades of life?

Why does this happen? Read the continuation in description.

To complete the lesson:

1. Watch video.
2. Listen to the podcast with the album recording in front of your eyes.
3. Redraw everything in your journal.
4. Study the material again after a few days.

After viewing share this material with the person who, in your opinion, will be extremely important to understand and transfer to their own life is about simple and yet constantly elusive truths.


Audio version - listen or download


There is only one fatal mistake that all capable, gifted and talented people make in one way or another, especially those who diligently engage in self-development and self-education. And the worse their situation, the more desperate their efforts become! It is like a madman who pulls the noose around his neck with even greater zeal, believing that breaking the rope is the only way to gain freedom. And this mistake is fatal for him...

That is why people will be poor all their lives. And the longer they did this in their lives, the harder it was for them to get back out. Self-education and self-development for many becomes an obsession, a mania, a way to blame oneself, punish, and then justify, in order to then repeat everything in a circle!

It’s sad... but such a person should not even be given money! Because with this money he will strangle himself even faster, starting to pull the noose even harder...

So what to do?

Everything is incredibly simple and at the same time incredibly difficult to understand.

This is the dilemma and paradox of our efforts that I will tell you about.