Life - these is making love

Life - these is making love

Life - these is making love

Дмитрий Ардха


Everything else is always important - maintaining clarity and silence

Clarity is like a fire that lights up at night on a deserted shore of silence. This creates a balance that leads to peace.

Love and money are made in silence
Results come in silence

it offered.

Manifestation is a process of confident, polished, but gradual steps.

Time brings more and more fruits to the shore. Rush for one, always miss the other. The waves always bring their fruit to the shores.

Life is lovemaking. Be aware of the rhythm - movement and stillness. Peace and movement. This is what life is all about.

When we lose our rhythm, we lose our footing and fall.

Keeping our balance, we move forward. To stop in your life and leave this place for silence means to remember that life is lovemaking.

Only such a life brings ripe and sweet fruits to the shore.

Only such a life ... is worth striving for ...

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