Role models in TV series

Role models in TV series

Role models in TV series

Николай Нова


In this podcast, we'll talk about the male and female roles in the best TV shows ever made. The roles described here are archetypes of human behavior, so the value of this conversation lies in considering the deep patterns of relationships on which society is built.

Through the plots of film works, we get the opportunity to get in touch with role models that are closest to life, to see how these people act in different conditions, what they feel and how they change throughout the story.

All this can be called the "Path of becoming a hero" or "The path of personal development", as well as a way to gain integrity.

Main themes of the podcast:

1. Male archetype.
2. Female archetype
3. Father-child relationship.
4. Two male role models: leader and explorer.
5. Two male role models: warrior and mystic.
6. Role model: mission, path of bodhichitta.

This podcast is an excellent training that helps the listener to better understand the actual causes of behavior, aspirations in life and desires.

For more on the main characters, series list, and main themes of the podcast, read the description.

Share the entry with anyone who might be interested in this research.

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Joint Author дополнения Дмитрий Ардха


In this issue, we review the following series:

1. Stargate: First Squad.
2. Stargate: Atlantis.
3. Stargate: Universe.
4. Lost.
5. Arrow 
6. Battlestar Galactica
7. Chance
8. Game of Thrones.

Main characters:

1. Stargate: First Squad.
● Jack O'Neill - colonel, then General of the Earth Defense Forces.
● Daniel Jackson - researcher, later ascended.
● Samantha Carter - chief scientist of the project.

2. Stargate: Atlantis.
● John Shapard is the mission's military leader.
● Rudney McKay is the mission's chief scientist.

3. Stargate: Universe.
● Nicholas Rush - Chief Mission Scientist.
● Everett Young - Colonel, Mission Military Leader.
● Eli Voles - Second Mission Scientist.

4. Lost.
● Jack Sheppard is the leader of the plane crash survivors.

5. Arrow.
● Oliver Queen is the main character, an arrow.
● Phylicia Smoak is the main character's wife.

6. Battlestar Galactca.
● William Adama - cruiser general.
● Kara Thrace
● Laura Roslin - civilian leader.

7. Chance.
● Elton Chance is a psycho-neurologist.
● Dee (Darius Pringle) is a contract killer.

8. Game of Thrones.
● Jon Snow.



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