The food of the eagle

The food of the eagle

The food of the eagle

Дмитрий Ардха


Our consciousness is "Food for the Eagle" and is devoured after death. What is the most important skill that allows you to defeat three enemies and “Slip past the Eagle”?

I will talk about this in this podcast.




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The main thing is what we learn throughout the entire learning path. And most importantly, what we can generally learn throughout our lives is just one thing.

This alone is what will teach us everything else, if anything and ever we need.

This is the most important thing that we always need to learn and what we need to always remember. This is the most important thing that should not be forgotten.

Any sorrows in our life are simply nothing compared to the loss of the most important thing. Any victories and conquests are just grains that crumble in powerlessness and are carried away by a strong wind, before this, the most important skill that gives rise to a genuine state of being.

This is the "Holy Grail", the main value and true treasure of any path from the delusions of another's mind to the infinity of true consciousness.

And now, filled with the inner strength of this treasure, I speak to you.

All roads, in the end? lead to it, because it cannot be bypassed, no matter which way you go. If only you will go, then you will come to him.

But, most often, human beings are in a stupor, in captivity of the mind given to them, which creates before them the illusion of life, endless goals and movement towards them, successive achievements and equally meaningless losses.

But, the silence speaks to you.

He speaks to you with a resolute denial of all constructions known to you from the world of the mind - the voice of emptiness.

The emptiness of your life is the place where the search for meaning and attempts to give imaginary importance to yourself or something in the world you know end.

The emptiness of your life is that, exactly what is being fought for, a real battle that captures thousands of years of your own existence, regardless of your remembrance and awareness of yourself in them.

The main treasure on the path is the emptiness in your life and it appears due to inner silence.

Inner silence is the only significant practice that makes you truly alive and without which you forever remain in the captivity of death and the numbness of your usual life.

Inner silence, Buddha meditation or stopping the inner dialogue, call it what you will, this is the only weapon against the three formidable, ruthless and powerful enemies of any person, whose name is:
- death,
- fear,
- impotence.

It is these three enemies that lie in wait for death, fettering fear and grasping powerlessness in tenacious paws, are defeated as soon as you are filled to the depths of your being with the power of inner silence.

Inner silence, stopping the inner dialogue or Buddha meditation.

This is the only important thing to always learn.