The most useful products

The most useful products

The most useful products

Дмитрий Ардха


What are the most useful foods?

The answer will surprise you, the ones that people eat the least.

Among all the food available to us, are antioxidants especially valuable, is this a real medicine? healing blood from fungi and other parasites.

The taste of antioxidants is very sour or bitter. For example, grapefruit, cranberries, turmeric. There are false antioxidants, broken or useless, as in nuts, tofu, beans, beans and so on.

All the best antioxidants should also be fresh or frozen, with the rare exception of spices.

It is they who help to keep the body in tone and equalize acidified blood, in alkaline balance.

When you feel sluggish, it is quite possible that you just need to eat a natural product with a sour taste, and you will immediately feel strength. And if you get sick, then remember, all the bitterness are the only safe antibiotics that will help you cope with poisoning or overcome another infection in a matter of hours.


What are the most useful foods?

Among all the food available to us, there are especially valuable products that people almost always bypass. At the same time, they are the most useful.

These are foods with a high content of antioxidants. Everything that is resistant to oxidation is vital for us. Such products are the real medicine that heals our blood from fungi and other parasites.

It is antioxidants that are at the forefront and protect against rapid aging. The taste of products resistant to oxidation is almost always very sour or bitter. For example, like grapefruit, cranberries, turmeric.

Of course, such a product must be complete. Preferably fresh or frozen, containing both juice and pulp, so that our body can safely digest it.

Since antioxidant products are a medicine and alkalize our blood, you need to know the measure of their use. When the blood becomes too alkaline, a person feels restlessness, absent-mindedness, irritability. He appears to be suspended in the air and has lost his footing. Therefore, it is impossible to overdo it, and it is also important to remember that all antioxidants are very different in their action, so their effect and effective amount in each case will be different.

Often, people refer to products containing antioxidants of a variety of types, even those in which there is really nothing useful and the antioxidants nominally present there are broken. You need to remember this when you hear how many antioxidants are in nuts, tofu, beans, beans and other, in fact, useless or harmful food.

Only truly sour or bitter foods, without the effects of heat treatment, contain working, healthy antioxidants.

Be sure to make cocktails from frozen berries - cranberries, cranberries, red or black currants. If you drink tea, then switch from black, acidifying tea to green, natural and alkalizing tea. When there is a lot of fatty foods in your diet, it is extremely important for you to use natural sour flavors, because they promote the breakdown of fat and return the ph to normal after its deviation to the acidic side. Also, the abundance of fats, which the body does not have the strength to cope with, clogs the receptors that protect cells from excess sugar, that is, preventing the action of insulin. Therefore, in such cases, it is extremely important to clean them with sour flavors.

Also, you should know that any heat-treated sugar acidifies the blood even more than fat, so it is important to remember about antioxidants when using it.

Many types of greens, sorrel, spinach, arugula - contain important acids. Among the oils, the most heat-resistant fresh coconut and natural olive oil from Greece are best suited. The more easily an oil is oxidized, the more harmful it is to health. For example, linseed oil creates a hard-to-penetrate, fast-burning film on the surface of the intestine, which reduces the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, it is especially important to limit its use to a minimum. The harm of palm oil is associated with a similar effect, among other things, it refers to refractory oils, therefore without emulsifiers, like fuel oil clogging the intestinal walls.

The best and safest way to consume oil is together with the product that contains it. This way you will get enough fiber to digest the whole portion.

How do antioxidants affect our well-being? They help to keep the body in good shape and even out the lost balance. Even when you just breathe, inhale the air, the whole body is strongly acidified. When you feel sluggish, it is quite possible that you just need to eat a natural product with a sour taste, and you will immediately feel strength. And if you get sick, then remember, all the bitterness are natural and the only safe antibiotics, which in a matter of hours will help to cope with poisoning and drop the temperature to moderately high.


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