How to change the rhythms of the brain?

How to change the rhythms of the brain?

How to change the rhythms of the brain?

Дмитрий Ардха


There are three main rhythms on which each person's brain works. When rhythms change, the human condition changes, namely, his susceptibility to various manifestations of the external and internal world.

Alpha rhythm is the most superficial rhythm of the brain, and is associated with our normal activities.
Theta rhythm is characterized by greater detachment from the process of life, the ability to look from the outside at everything we come into contact with.
Delta rhythm - triggers the most powerful processes of self-healing of the body and psyche, replenishes strength and supplies us with almost all vital energy. Switching to a Delta rhythm while awake is the most difficult task.

Moreover, for a full rest we need to be able to use all three rhythms in the correct sequence.

How to do it - watch the video.

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